Hodjanernes Blog

11 maj 2017

Paul Golding og Jayda Fransen arresteret

Last night, Britain First leaders Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen were arrested in a police ambush in Kent.


This arrest is related to a campaign Britain First is running at the moment in Kent.

We have to be very vague, as we are told Kent police have slapped some extreme bail conditions on them both which limits what they can say.

They have been arrested for “Inciting Religious Hatred” contrary to the Public Order Act.

Paul and Jayda will release a joint video statement this afternoon.

The police swooped on Paul and Jayda while they were driving by blocking the road and surrounding them with police vans.

The raid included both uniformed and plain clothes CID officers.

It was a military style ambush that was executed with precision.

We have launched an immediate legal ‘Fighting Fund’ and we need your help.

1 kommentar »

  1. Det kan ikke andet end ende i krig der ovre i England, når politiet opfører sig på den måde som de gør.
    Undertrykkelsen af ytringsfriheden er noget af det værste folk kan komme ud for.
    Politiet får ørene i maskinen en skønne dag.


    Kommentar af Sindsro — 12 maj 2017 @ 01:05

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