Hodjanernes Blog

9 august 2016

Hillary Clinton Hates Muslims

Hillary’s policies have led to the death and displacement of millions of Muslims, so why do we only ever hear about Donald Trump being Islamophobic?

Hillary Clintons farlige indrømmelser til Saudi-barbarerne

Ace investigative reporter Paul Sperry has uncovered one of Hillary Clinton’s most worrying legacies as Secretary of State:

She reversed many of the measures put into place after 9/11 to protect the United States from additional Saudi jihadist attacks.

26 forskellige koraner! Se muslimernes reaktion :-))

Filed under: Evidens, Imamer, Islam, Koran, Moske, Minaret, Muslim World, UK — Hodja @ 23:09

Muslims have been told by their leaders and apologists that there is only one Qur’an, and that it has been perfectly preserved, down to the letter, from the time it was revealed to Muhammad.

Unfortunately, for Muslims, this claim is factually false. To prove that it’s false, Hatun Tash and Jay Smith brought 26 different Arabic Qur’ans to Speaker’s Corner in London.

Jay and Hatun took each of the 26 Arabic Qur’ans, and they showed Muslims the many differences which can be found within each of them, proving that the Qur’an has not been perfectly preserved.

As you will see in the video, the Muslims who gathered were extremely angry with Jay and Hatun for showing them so many textual variants in the Qur’an. The Muslims began with questions, then tried to change the subject, then became enraged as the differences were read to them.

Once Hatun and Jay began to show how the differences weren’t simply readings, but textual differences that changed the meaning of Qur’an verses, some of the more prominent Muslims at Speakers’ Corner began calling the rest of the Muslims to leave the ladder area and no longer listen to Jay and Hatun. They realized that what was being shown was indeed too damaging for Muslims to hear, since it completely destroys one of the most popular myths of Islam.

A group formed about 20 feet away, where one of the leaders tried to explain away what was being shown from the ladder, but the damage had already been done. With hard evidence on display, one cannot simply explain it away.

The Pfander team has never seen this kind of reaction as was shown on Sunday, proving that this new material is indeed damaging to Islam, and especially to the authority of the Qur’an.

Because much of what Hatun and Jay are showing is very technical and thus difficult to explain in such a public setting, the two of them made a second hour-long video, sitting on a couch with all of the 26 Qur’ans next to them, in a studio, which gave them the ability to unpack and explain the background to the thousands of variants which are being found.

Smugler den tyske regering ‘flygtninge’ ind i landet med fly om natten?

“If we are nice to them, they will be nice to us” …

Robert Spencer fortæller om ovenstående mantra, som Obama & Co fejlagtigt har fulgt

Og han fortæller om Taqqiyah , forstillelse, som shiiter er eksperter i at bruge

Han kalder Merkel for “den værste kansler, Tyskland har haft siden Hitler !
Og konstaterer at hendes politik vil føre til borgerkrig
USA har haft “fantasi-based policy for too long” !

Hans tale varer ca. 24 min – derefter er der spørgsmål

Herunder siger han: Sovjetunionen er væk – vi behøver ikke allierede som Pakistan og Tyrkiet,
har været fjendtlige mod os(=US)

Han er dygtig til at perspektivere !

Taget herfra

Klynk og bu-hu – Trump kritiserer somalierne …

Donald Trump leverede en bredside mod terroristerne og nævnte specifikt somalierne

Og – selvfølgelig – er MSM ( og somalierne) sure. Tænk at fremhæve somaliere som om der var specielt mange terrorister blandt dem … hvad der vist nok er .)

Her er, hvad Trump sagde ( NB: det er en sammenklippet video):

Og – bu hu – her kommer så “CAIR” = Council on Islamic-American Relations:

Trump demoniserer en del af det muslimske samfund

Trump burde bede dem om at tage en tudekiks og forholde sig til om der er specielt mange somaliere blandt de MANGE muslimske terrorister

Her er et link til en typisk MSM reaktion:

ScreenHunter_270 Aug. 09 11.42