Hodjanernes Blog

28 august 2012

Fem spørgsmål om islam

Kortfattet indføring i shariah (engelsk).

Stor vrede blandt USA’s indianere

Indianernes stemmer er ved at glide fra Hussein Obama, efter han i islamiseringens navn er begyndt at kalde muslimer for ‘indfødte’.

Native Americans are very angry to learn that Muslims in the United States of America are being touted as “indigenous”, a complete falsehood. The fact is, American Indians are the indigenous people of North America, as Hawai’ians are to Hawai’i and the Aborigine to Australia. Organizations like BIMA marginalize native Americans in favor of Muslims, and Indians are not pleased. Speaking with many tribal friends and associates here in northeast Oklahoma, it is clear that the support Obama received from native American Democrats in 2008 is waning. They can see that the hope and change Obama promised four years ago was not what anyone expected. Especially not these people, with their deep Christian beliefs and rolls filled with veterans of foreign wars.

Twenty-thousand Islamists and their sympathizers are expected to attend the opening of the Democratic National Convention on August 31 to focus on Islam with Jumah[sic], the Friday prayer, to draw in Muslims to the DNC. The important prayer and two days of events are being coordinated by the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA), a national Muslim non-profit claiming that the event is non-political. Being a part of the actual convention makes it pretty hard to claim that it isn’t a political event.

The initials BIMA quickly caught my attention because I’m keyed in to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the agency that my husband works closely with in his capacity as Director of Security for an Indian casino. I was appalled when I went to the BIMA website and saw the words “Indigenous Muslim.” THERE’S NO SUCH THING IN THE UNITED STATES! Imagine my horror when I read their mission statement:
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Filed under: Demografi, EURABIA, Grisobarium, Islamisering, Norge — Tags: , — Hodja @ 11:31

Norske svinebønder sliter med store lagre, salgssvikt og lave priser på svinekjøtt.

Ja det er jo den vej det går – selvom svineavlerne sikkert ikke vil se fremtiden i øjnene.