Hodjanernes Blog

4 september 2009

Af med knoppen – uanset hvad.

Det nytter ikke at undskylde, når man har fornærmet pædofeten – at du ved det, Tøger.

Mein-Koran-Adolf-MuhammadEn britisk forfatter har udtalt at koranen er skrevet af en sindssyg. Så for at undgå danske tilstande har skvattet prompte undskyld sin mening. Derfor kan hr. Seid En-Faden lige så godt indstille arbejdet med at skrive sin undskyldning for at have genoptrykt – så vidt huskes i frimærke-format – en vis tegning af Kurt Westergaard.

London, Sep. 4 : British hate preacher Anjem Choudary has controversially demanded capital punishment for Koran-bashing author Sebastian Faulks if he is found guilty under sharia law.

“Mr Faulks was extremely naïve for what he said and it could have some grave consequence for him. Someone like this needs to be assessed in an Islamic court of law and if he’s found guilty then there would be capital punishment,” the Daily Express quoted him, as saying. – “Just as we chopping the hand off a thief and stoning the adulterer, we have for the one who insults the Prophet the death penalty,” he added.

Last week, Faulks had attracted Muslim community’s wrath by describing Koran as “the rantings of a schizophrenic” and “very disappointing from a literary point of view”. – Faulks, the author of James Bond novel Devil May Care, had said that the words of Prophet Mohammed were “one-dimensional”, and had criticised the Koran for not telling stories, like the Old Testament. – Although Faulks has apologised for calling Koran the “rantings of a schizophrenic,” Islam4UK a radical group associated with Choudary posted an article on its website entitled, “Sebastian Faulks on a Death Wish?” – “May Allah punish the oppressors and deal with the slanderers,” it added.

Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens, of the Centre for Social Cohesion, said: “Choudary and his followers are seeking to impose their will on the population of this country through subversion and incitement to violence. – “The weakness of Choudary’s fascist ideology could not be better illustrated than by his inability to provide an intellectual response to criticism, instead resorting to veiled threats and intimidation.” – However, Faulks declined to comment. His spokeswoman said: “He apologises if his comments about the Koran have offended Muslims.” (ANI)

FN springer i aktion.

Filed under: Humor, Islam, Jihad — Tags: , , , — Skjoldungen @ 22:00

Europas eneste demokratiske stat – Schweiz – skal opløses.

gadaffiDaily Mail: Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi is set to ask the United Nations to ‘abolish’ Switzerland and share the land among its neighbouring countries.

The eccentric dictator has filed a motion with the U.N. saying the Alpine state should be wiped off the map and split among France, Italy and Germany. Gaddafi is set to present his bizarre plan when Libya takes over the year-long presidency of the U.N. general Assembly on September 15. He first mentioned his idea at the G8 summit in Italy in July. ‘Switzerland is a world mafia and not a state,’ he said. ‘It is formed of an Italian community that should return to Italy, another German community that should return to Germany, and a third French community that should return to France.’ – The Swiss Foreign Ministry described it as a single-minded campaign against Swiss interests.

Swiss MP Christa Markwalder, told the Swiss TV news programme 10 vor 10 this week: ‘We are concerned that Libya will attempt to use its year-long presidency of the U.N. General Assembly to damage Switzerland’s reputation.’

Relations between Switzerland and Libya crumbled after Gaddafi’s son Hannibal, 33, and his pregnant wife were arrested in Geneva a year ago accused of assaulting a hotel chamber maid.

Grusom, umenneskelig tortur.

Filed under: Berlin, Blogs Foreign German, FN, Immigration, Islam, Jihad, Politisk korrekte, Shariah, Tortur — Skjoldungen @ 21:38

Her kan Abu Graib og Guantanamo gå hjem og vugge…

flaeskestegI visse tyske fængsler – her Tegel – bliver de muslimske indsatte udsat for ufattelige pinsker og ydmygelser. Ganske vist har de forlængst fået indført halal-mad, selv om de “kun” udgør 400 af de 1600 fanger. Men nu er der som bekendt ramadan, hvilket betyder, at dagens varme måltid – som serveres midt på dagen – er blevet haram. Så nu tilbyder fængslet, at de kære, fromme pus kan få mad efter solnedgang. Men – oh rædsel – maden er kold!

Godt vi har FN, EUSSR, DanMarx Radio, Samarbejds-Politiken, Kirkeasyl, pastor Ramsdal og et halvt hundrede menneskeretskommissioner, thi her må gribes ind. Omgående!

Tip: Politically Incorrect.

Forværring af tilstanden i Skotlandistan

It has come out in the wash that during talks with the Qatari government in June about a $60bn trade and investment deal with Scotland, Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah, the Qatari minister for international co-operation and acting trade minister, personally pressed Salmond over the fate of Libya’s finest at a meeting on 11 June.

I Saudi Barbarien er forhistorien ikke-eksisterende

Filed under: Evidens, Historie, Islam, Kristne, Muslim World, Saudi, Videnskab — Tags: , — Hodja @ 12:27

The sensitivities run deep.

Archaeologists are cautioned not to talk about pre-Islamic finds outside scholarly literature. Few ancient treasures are on display, and no Christian or Jewish relics. A 4th or 5th century church in eastern Saudi Arabia has been fenced off ever since its accidental discovery 20 years ago and its exact whereabouts kept secret.

In the eyes of conservatives, the land where Islam was founded and the Prophet Muhammad was born must remain purely Muslim. Saudi Arabia bans public displays of crosses and churches, and whenever non-Islamic artifacts are excavated, the news must be kept low-key lest hard-liners destroy the finds.

Mere hos Vlad Tepes

Hvad siger islam i virkeligheden om Jesus?

Christopher Logan skriver:

I have frequently spoken to Islamic apologists who say that their Muslim “friends” respect Jesus. They probably do, but it is not in the same way that Christians do. In the view of Muslims, Jesus is coming back as a Muslim and he will break the cross (destroy Christianity) and be a slave to Islam. He will also abolish the jizya, which will leave Jews and Christians with only two options. To convert to Islam or die.Koran verse 9 29 calls for the extortion of Jew and Christians.

Omfordeling af flygtninge går i den ‘rigtige’ retning siger EU

The plan drawn up by the EU-27 and presented yesterday in Brussels for the redistribution of refugees from non-EU countries is “very positive” and “a step in the right direction”, according to Franco Frattini, quoted in Il Messaggero.


According to Frattini, it is “the first step towards a redistribution of refugees that I hope will become obligatory for all 27 states.”


Ramadan: Arabernes produktivitet falder med 78%

During Ramadan, the productivity of Arab businesses drops by 78%.

The essential factors? Fewer work hours, absenteeism, and sick leave. In the meantime, diseases linked to cholesterol and diabetes by 27.65% because of overeating. Experts claimed that increases in blood crimes (+1.5%) and theft (+3.5%) are mainly the result of abstinence from smoke. The figures are included in a survey carried out by Cairòs Institute of Social Sciences of the Arab World which was printed today by ‘Leaders’, a Tunisian website.


Tvangsislamisering af friskoler

Et flertal på Københavns Rådhus er parat til at skære betydeligt i tilskuddet til de skoler, der ikke tager del i integrationsarbejdet ved at optage tosprogede børn, skriver Berlingske Tidende.

Tip: Mosemanden

Kvinde vidnede iført niqab i dansk retsal

Filed under: Politik — ManInBurka© @ 10:26

Gad vide om hendes vidneudsagn også fulgte islamisk tradition

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Per Ramsdal afsløres nu som bagmand i et hemmeligt netværk, der illegalt skjuler irakiske flygtninge på flugt fra politiet.

B.T. fredag afslører, at præsten er dybt involveret i at hjælpe irakiske flygtninge under jorden.

Peter Skaarup mener, det er op til biskoppen at afgøre, hvad der skal ske med præsten! Hvorfor f….. er det ikke direkte til politiet?

Kronik af Lone Nørgård: Er en moské i København en god idé?

Det er ikke ønskværdigt at øge muslimers følelse af at høre til i Danmark, hvis forudsætningen er indførelse af i første omgang muslimske skikke og traditioner, i anden omgang elementer af sharia.

Læs mere på Kristeligt Dagblad

Ny blog: Med deres egne ord

Danske venstreorienterede om deres syn på demokrati, frihed, proletariatets diktatur, vold & revolution.