Hodjanernes Blog

17 april 2008

Kristne i Mellemøsten forfølges fordi kristendommen er aggressiv og fremmed samt p.gr.a.den vestlige tilstedeværelse

Christians in the Middle East are facing persecution because of British and American foreign policy, the Archbishop of Canterbury will claim today.

Dr Rowan Williams will say that many Christians have been forced to flee their homes in the Holy Land because of ‘appalling pressure’ from extremist Islamic groups.

And he will warn that historic communities risk becoming mere ‘museum pieces’ in the ‘theme park’ Middle East because of the military policies of the West.

Dr Williams added: ‘The military policies of the West in the last few years have firmly cemented in a great deal of the Middle East the notion that Christianity is a foreign, aggressive and Western presence.

Mere på Daily Mail

Her er alting bare vendt på hovedet. Har Ærkebiskoppen overhovedet noget hoved?

21 februar 2008

Mr. Rowan Williams igen

10 februar 2008

Den største trussel

Filed under: Dhimmi, Islam, Kristne, Politisk korrekte, Præster, Shariah — Tags: — Hodja @ 09:09


Stem her

Bash the bishop

Dhimmi — or just dim?

Melanie Phillips om Ærkebiskoppen af Canterbury:

The man doesn’t even have the courage of his lack of convictions. Far from defending what he actually said about sharia law, the Archbishop of Canterbury is fighting to save his job by frantically back-tracking and claiming he has been misunderstood. It was all got up by the tabloids… no-one actually read the lecture… people have jumped to the wrong conclusion from a few misleading headlines. Ye gods.

Læs videre på The Spectator


9 februar 2008

Ærkebiskoppen af Canterbury er i shock

Sharia law row: Archbishop is in shock as he faces demands to quit and criticism from Lord Carey

The Archbishop of Canterbury was facing demands to quit last night as the row over sharia law intensified.

Lord George Carey, Dr Williams’ predecessor, criticised his comments on sharia law and said that accepting the Islamic code would be a disaster for Britain.

Other leading bishops publicly contradicted Dr Rowan Williams’s call for Islamic law to be brought into the British legal system.

With the Church of England plunged into crisis, senior figures were said to be discussing the archbishop’s future.

One member of the church’s “Cabinet”, the Archbishop’s Council, was reported as saying: “There have been a lot of calls for him to resign. I don’t suppose he will take any notice, but, yes, he should resign.”

Officials at Lambeth Palace told the BBC Dr Williams was in a “state of shock” and “completely overwhelmed” by the scale of the row.

Læs mere på The Daily Mail

Lad os håbe, han bliver tvunget til at gå af. Det vil være et kraftigt signal til præster og biskopper, politikere og muslimer om, at befolkningerne er ved at få nok.

Shariadomstole, der beskæftiger sig med kriminalitet, fungerer allerede i UK med myndighedernes accept

Filed under: Demografi, Dhimmi, Immigration, Islam, Jura, Kriminalitet, Politisk korrekte, Shariah, UK — Tags: — Hodja @ 14:44

Sharia law “courts” are already dealing with crime on the streets of London, it emerged today.

The Archbishop of Canterbury said parts of civil law could be dealt with under the sharia system but already some communities have gone much further – and it was revealed today that a teenage stabbing case among the Somali community in Woolwich had been dealt with by a sharia “trial”.

Youth worker Aydarus Yusuf, 29, who was involved in setting up the hearing, said a group of Somali youths were arrested by police on suspicion of stabbing another Somali teenager.

The victim’s family told officers the matter would be settled out of court and the suspects were released on bail.

A hearing was convened and elders ordered the assailants to compensate the victim.

“All their uncles and their fathers were there,” said Mr Yusuf. “So they all put something towards that and apologised for the wrongdoing.”

An Islamic Council in Leyton also revealed that it had dealt with more than 7,000 divorces while sharia courts in the capital have settled hundreds of financial disputes.

Læs mere om hvordan parallelsamfundet allerede fungerer i Storbritannien på The Daily Mail

Læs også: The Rowan Williams Comments: When Christian Leaders Promote Dhimmitude

25 december 2006

Ærkebiskoppen af Canterbury’s julehilsen: UK og USA er skyld i forfølgelsen af kristne i muslimske lande

Ærkebiskoppen af Canterbury Rowan Williams angriber Tony Blair og USA’s kortsigtede og uvidende politik i Irak for at sætte sikkerheden på spil for kristne, der lever i Mellemøsten.

Han støttes af biskopper fra hele Church of England, der siger, at kristne i hele Mellemøsten nu betaler prisen for kaoset i Irak.

“De første troende kristne var fra Mellemøsten, og vi risikerer nu at se de sidste troende indfødte i regionen.”

Biskopperne, der er i Bethlehem i anledning af julen, bruger også lejligheden til at angribe Israels ‘mur’.

Biskoppen af Liverpool udtaler at:

“Vi har to muligheder: enten en udmattelseskonflikt mellem trosretningerne eller en aftale om fredelig sameksistens. Vi må håbe at kristne vil få den samme retfærdige behandling i Mellemøsten, som muslimer har krav på at forvente i Storbrittanien.”

Det hele på TimesOnline

Dhimmiernes desperation er uendelig. Skyldfølelsen hos os i Vesten tager ingen ende. Og i hvilke muslimske lande vil kristne få samme positive særbehandling de forlanger hos os. I de muslimske lande hvor kristne, jøder og andre trosretninger har været udsat for forfølgelse, dimmi-status for ikke at sige udryddelse i århundreder? Hvilken planet lever de britiske biskopper på?