Hodjanernes Blog

6 oktober 2010

‘Der er ingen tvang i islam’

Kristne drenge bortføres og tvinges i koranskole i Sudan.

Via Bare Naked Islam

9 juni 2009


Mit jedem neuem Film vollbringt der Regisseur Shaheen Dill-Riaz ein kleines Wunder.

Trotz des Bilderverbots gelang es ihm mit seiner Kamera Zugang zu den religiösen Schulen, den Madrasas zu bekommen. Dort lernen die Kinder bei ihrer Ausbildung zum Hafis die 6234 Verse des Koran auswendig. Der Film zeigt die geheimnisvolle Institution der Madrasa durch die Augen von Lehrern und gesellschaftlichen Autoritäten, vor allem aber der Schüler und Eltern. »Korankinder« stellt die virulenten Fragen nach dem Einfluss der Religiösen im Bildungssystem der Gesellschaft.

14 december 2008

Vi har et tilbud til dig – vi vil lære dine børn arabisk og koran

Filed under: Demografi, Immigration, Islam, Koran, Kristne, Lærere, UK, Undervisningssystemet — Tags: , — Hodja @ 23:03

NON-Muslim children will be taught Arabic and study the Koran under plans for a new faith school.

A charity is bidding to run the first Islamic faith primary in Britain for youngsters who are not followers of the religion.


Mere på Daily Star News

Muslim children are being beaten and abused regularly by teachers at some British madrassas – Islamic evening classes – an investigation by The Times has found.

Hvis de behandler muslimske børn på den måde – hvordan vil de da behandle vantro børn?

26 november 2008

Der er ingen lineal, der er lang nok

Filed under: Evidens, Filosofi, Islam, Muslim World, Videnskab — Tags: , , — Hodja @ 13:12

Madrassa videnskab på sit højeste.




13 april 2008

Den indre, åndelige kamp.

Filed under: Islam — Tags: , — Skjoldungen @ 00:09

Når de nu ikke kan få et pas, så må tilhængerne af Fredens Religion™ praktisere Jihad på hjemmefronten.

Ifølge “The BEEB” har de fromme sprængt nogle andre fromme i luften i Uran, mens de var til knæbøjninger i moskéen.

At least eight people have been killed and more than 60 wounded in an explosion in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz, Iranian media reports say.

The blast reportedly occurred during an address by a cleric in the Hoseyniyeh Shohada religious centre in the city. The city’s Law Enforcement Force commander, Col Zamani, told the semi-official Fars news agency that the explosion had been caused by a bomb. Madrassa
There has been no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast. Fars said the death toll was expected to climb and that at least three of the wounded were seriously hurt. An initial Iranian TV report said scores had been killed, but later revised its death toll to “several”. Fars said the explosion occurred at around 2100 (1630 GMT) and could be heard a mile (1.5km) away. The Irna news agency said it broke the windows of many nearby houses. Most of those inside the religious centre were young boys and girls affiliated to the Rahpoyan-e Vesal Association, which “holds weekly meetings every Saturday regarding misguided groups, including Wahhabis and Bahais”, Fars added. Wahhabism is a strict version of Sunni Islam practised throughout the Arabian Peninsula, most notably by Saudi Arabia’s ruling family, while the Bahai faith is viewed as heretical by Iran’s religious authorities. Members of the Law Enforcement Force and the Basij militia have placed a cordon around the religious centre. Ambulance and fire crews are said to be at the scene assisting the victims. Television channels urged people in Shiraz to donate blood for the injured, adding that all nurses in the city had been called in on duty. Shiraz, about 900km (560 miles) south of the capital Tehran, is a major tourist destination because of its closeness to a number of important ancient sites. It has not been, however, been a target of the isolated bomb attacks which have occurred in Iran in recent years. The last major bombing, in the south-eastern city of Zahedan in February last year, is believed to have been carried out by the Sunni Baluchi militant group, Jundallah. Thirteen members of the Revolutionary Guard Corps were killed when a car bomb exploded next to the bus in which they were travelling. The south-western city of Ahwaz, close to the Iraqi border, has seen sporadic anti-government violence since 2005, allegedly by its ethnic minority Arab population.