Hodjanernes Blog

15 december 2013

De arabiske Gulf-stater jamrer over Israels voksende økonomiske styrke

Filed under: Israel, Muslim World, Saudi, TrumfEs — Tags: , — trumfes @ 16:29

De evigt flæbende arabiske lande har nu opdaget at Israel snart bliver en alvorlig olie/gas konkurrent

For mon ikke de europæiske lande hellere vil købe gas fra et stabilt demokratisk land end fra det arabiske kviksand eller fra Putin? Angsten kan man læse i en ny rapport fra Kuwaits University of Kuwait med den typisk arabiske titel: Israel søger at gøre dets naboer og Gulf staterne mindre.

Israel har fundet meget store gas-forekomster i Middelhavet ud for Israel (så store at energimængden svarer til Saudiarabiens olie (men ikke gas) reserver) ! Allerede næste år vil Israel være selvforsynet med gas og behøver således ikke længere at købe gas fra Ægypten.
Israel regner også med at finde olie i området.

CERN har lige ensstemmigt vedtaget at Israel nu er det første ikke-europæiske medlemsland i dette vigtige videnskabelige forum.

Her og her er et par andre link til tidligere artikler i Hodja om Israels voksende økonomi:

Taget herfra

I ovenstående link er der et underlink til selve rapporten , som er på arabisk. Jeg har brugt Googles oversættelse fra arabisk til engelsk (idet fra arabisk til dansk var dårligere):

12/15/2013 Now – Editor sweeteners 1:24:44 PM
Gulf Studies released its weekly report , Gulf Studies

Azmat Management Studies Center Gulf and Arabian Peninsula at the University of Kuwait, the introduction of the door of periodic reports to be published successively to the events at the Gulf and its neighboring countries and issues of diverse relevant , and management decided to have its new report titled ‘ Israel seeks to dwarf its neighbors and the Gulf states ‘ , which came as next :
Israel seeks to curtail future economic and military influence of the Gulf region in the short and medium term . This target announced by the government of Israel plans for future development . Seeks Tel Aviv to the accumulation of wealth within and outside its borders to earn a guarantee competition with the Arabs and especially the oil states . It will help the growth of wealth in Israel to increase the immigration of Jews from what it would affect the growth of settlement projects in the future and have direct implications on the Arab-Israeli conflict . It also reveals Israel ‘s quest to compete with the Gulf countries on energy production desire to play a more important role in the region in the future desire to stay forever as the biggest military and economic power also in the Middle East .
Israel carried out a secret Mcharie with U.S. companies for the development of a vibrant sector of wealth which Mr sector after detecting gas production reserves in the middle of an important Israeli waters . Israel’s central bank recently said that the foreign currency reserves hit a record high of about $ 81 billion at the end of November last year after breaking the threshold of 80 billion dollars for the first time realized a quantum leap compared to 2004 if acquires its treasury of hard currency to about 25 billion dollars. This rapid growth of the accumulation of wealth in the Jewish state , which are indicators of global competitiveness, the best countries in the Middle East on the growth levels of education and arms that would support the influence of Israel in the region with the acquisition in the near term energy sources eager to export natural gas along the lines of the Gulf states in order to obtain more financial returns . It consists revenues Israel generally according to the indicators the financial budget in 2013 of investment income in addition to the tax , as it looks Jewish government endeavor actively to enhance revenues future of the profits of energy projects through the expected rise to the flow of investment returns in the production of natural gas, according to a report of the Central Bank of Israel .
And return Israel to increase reserves of gold and foreign currency revenue growth to the production of natural gas in addition to the Israeli government, foreign remittances , according to a statement the central Israeli . As Israel is also seeking according to a poll Jewish investors published in more Jewish newspapers read in the United States ‘ Djimainr ‘ to ‘ increase its production of gas and export it will provide greater returns from current income , and this is the aim of ensuring fallacy Israel economic in the Middle East and the face of the growth of the economies of the Gulf ‘ .
And is approaching the size of reserves Israel hard currency today of the total reserves of both Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates by numbers 2012, according to statistics Kuwait & Middle East Financial Investment ( Kimvic ) , which confirmed in a report that ‘ foreign reserves for each of the Kuwait 49.5 billion dollars , as the reserves reached Arab Emirates United 34.7 billion dollars ‘ .
And equated Israel reserves of foreign currency and gold reserves with Iraq, which amounted to 80 billion dollars , an increase supported by oil exports . Israel excels as reserves of gold and foreign currency reserves estimated at Iran 69 billion dollars.
Israel reserves amounted to 3 -fold Egypt’s reserves of foreign currency . Israel is seeking to Balancing its military and economic ties with major regional powers such as Egypt and Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. Israel has advanced in 2013, all countries in the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf at the level of arms in accordance with the Research Institute of arms in Bonn . On the economic level , Israel is working on activating the economic stimulus plan to attract larger foreign investments in actively pursued them to excel on the elements of the power of its neighbors . And targeting Israeli plans this time won the economic competition that collects in the court and one with the Gulf states.
Increase growth stocks of dollars in Israel within its banks by economic analysis indicates Israeli ambition to the Jewish state to dwarf the reserves held by many of its neighbors . The big surprise will be processed by Israel to the Gulf states in the future is arriving as a competitor on the production of energy , especially natural gas , which would help Israel to compete directly with oil-rich countries in the Middle East in the coming years .
Israel’s ability to put spare cash at the central bank for emergency indicates that much of the Israeli economy is growing , especially compared with its Arab neighbors . It is expected that the Israeli economy is growing and expanding at a faster pace thanks to the intention to increase the production of natural gas .
A book published recently entitled ‘ economy in the Middle East and North Africa ‘ in September 2012 AD was an economic study first to compare Israel with its Arab neighbors in the Middle East has to offer book studies prepared by economists at universities and institutes , especially in the global institutions , including the United Nations or the World international . The book has been predicted that Israel , despite its small size among the countries of the Middle East , but it will increase the wealth of the future compared with the census of its people and the limited demographic growth ‘ .
It was the discovery of large fields of natural gas reserves under the water off the coast of Haifa , such as field Tamar , the first field is the discovery of oil and gas which is believed to result alone more than 10 trillion cubic feet of natural gas valued at 50 billion dollars, according to gas prices in the global market for energy .
In 2010 , the United States signed an agreement with the Delek Group of Israel to develop the field . At the same time , the development of the fields other major , is expected to stop the import of gas to Israel and begin to export after 2016 according to projections by the Energy Minister Silvan Shalom, who is likely to provide gas export Israel 300 million dollars a month and this figure could reach more than one billion dollars future .
Israel liberated and thus permanently from the state gas contracts linked with Egypt or other countries that import them energy . In 2018 by the Israeli government program , Israel is planning to transfer the government’s share of the profits from the sale of gas to Israel’s sovereign wealth fund in order to keep the generations in the future .
Growth expectations in Israel , will be backed by a very high investments in research in development by the Israeli development program . In order to maintain a competitive high- tech in Israel allocates 4.5 percent of its GDP to research and development , which is the highest rate in the world , according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development .
Israel and focused investment in high technology and high value-added jobs . For example , Israel excels on the Arab Middle East and the Gulf at the level of generation of inventors . According to a report of an Israeli newspaper called ‘ Djimainr ‘ the inventors of Israeli Arabs more than their counterparts in the Middle East and are increasingly coming to the global marketplace of ideas and creativity . Israel itself compares with European countries on the level of production and export of thought inventions . The environment still thought, science and innovation in the Arab world in the Middle East and the Gulf completely closed and complain about the limited production of science and ideas and inventions. The study , Israeli superiority of Israel at the level of floating point will force the Jewish state to outperform its Arab neighbors .
The effects of the richness of Israel in the future on the Gulf states , and its conflict with the Arabs
May represent an increase of the wealth of Israel a direct threat to the authority pushed the Palestinian and the availability of financing huge increase future settlement with the expectations of increasing the attractiveness of Israel as an area like where to live for the Jews by index best areas to live in the world , and is likely to see Israel if the increased wealth increasing waves of immigration from Europe, especially with deterioration of economic conditions there .
Competition for the future between Israel and the Gulf states may not be limited only to produce energy and increase wealth , but will be on the matchup overheated to control the region as Stztr Israel with the increase in gas production in the future to increase its military arsenal Navy to enforce the protection of the surroundings of water , which is the wealth in the future . Thus, according to the Observatory Global Research ‘ Monitor ‘ , the friction oil countries in the future Israel will provoke Israel through each of Jordan and Egypt, which share a strategic security partnership with the Gulf Cooperation Council . It will be the sources of conflict and border crossings gas supplies over potential conflicts in the region in the future .