Hodjanernes Blog

25 august 2017

Sonoma (Sanctuary City) løslader illegal indvandrer som derefter begår mord

Envidere vildleder kommunen bevidst indvandringsmyndighederne (ICE).

Santa Rosa police arrested 38-year-old Nery Israel Estrada-Margos on August 18 after he turned himself in for allegedly beating his girlfriend — 42-year-old Veronica Cabrera Ramirez — to death, the Santa Rosa Press Democrat reported.

Police released Estrada-Margos from custody on August 3 – despite a detainer request lodged against him by ICE officials – after he posted the required $30,000 bail.

Sonoma County Sheriff Rob Giordano deflected blame from his county, an official sanctuary city, by giving misleading statements to local media outlets who then blamed ICE.

What Giordano did not tell reporters was that Sonoma County gave ICE officials only 16 minutes to travel over 60 miles to pick up Estrada-Margos before releasing him from custody – a distance that according to Google Maps can take 90 minutes to travel.

California openly defied President Trump’s vowed crackdown on illegal immigration earlier this year when the state passed legislation that prohibits law enforcement agencies in California from cooperating with ICE.

Mere her.

Demokraterne er vant til at løslade terrorister, hvis det gavner dem politisk.

Sort rådgiver forsøger at myrde hvid sygeplejerske og sætter ild på hende

Kulturberigelse: Koranklodser

Sådan skal København forvandles for at undgå den helt store tragedie

Siden en lastbil påkørte og dræbte 12 mennesker i Berlin i begyndelsen af året, har en række store betonklodser – såkaldte betongrise – være opstillet i København som en terrorsikring mod lignende scener.

Inden længe vil betonelementerne blive udsmykket. Og på lidt længere sigt skal de helt erstattes af træer, bænke og andre genstande.

Mere her.

“Siden en lastbil…………” 

BOMBSHELL: New evidence suggests Charlottesville was a complete SET-UP

The depth of this conspiracy runs deeper:

“[Mayor] Michael Signer is a Virginia Democratic activist with close ties to Barack Obama and John Podesta. Before landing the Charlottesville mayor job he previously worked closely with Podesta at the Center of American Progress and worked with him again on Barack Obama’s State Department Transition Team.

The man accused of being a neo-Nazi and murdering a woman by deliberately driving into her during protests in Charlottesville is in reality a supporter of Hillary Clinton and member of Antifa in receipt of funding by George Soros.

White supremacist and ‘Unite the Right’ leader, Jason Kessler, has been exposed as a supporter of former President Obama and a hardline member of far-left Occupy movement.

When did he change his political leaning? According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (an organization that is certainly no friend to Conservatives), Kessler revealed his political transformation around November 2016, the same month Donald Trump won the presidential election.

“If you think that is suspicious, wait until you learn about the other actors in this enormous set-up event.

Brennan Gilmore was the first man “on the scene” and was the author of the first viral tweet about Charlottesville. He was later interviewed by MSNBC. He was presented as an accidental witness. But who is he really?

Gilmore worked in Africa as a State Department foreign officer under Hillary Clinton. The New York Times mentioned this “coincidence” – and then later deleted it. Brennan Gilmore was also involved with the Kony hoax in 2012, and he is currently Chief of Staff for Tom Perrielo, who is running for Governor of Virginia and received $380k from George Soros.

So the first man on the scene, whose tweet went viral, and who was later interviewed on mainstream news as a witness, just happened to be a State Department insider with a long history of involvement in psy-ops? If you think this isn’t fishy, how about this – since the Charlottesville protests and his appearance in the media, his information was suddenly removed from State Department websites.”

We need to clarify that these are early accounts and as yet unverified, but if true this is very, very serious stuff.  It points directly to the reality of the “deep state” and more importantly to the lengths that the Soros/Clinton/Obama one-world government cabal will go in order to realize their desires for ‘fundamental transformation.’

Folks this is much, much more serious than white supremacists versus Antifa fighting in the streets.

Mere her.

21 august 2017

Younes Abouyaaquoub Barcelona terroristen skudt af spansk politi

The suspected driver behind the Barcelona terror attack was shot dead Monday, wrapping up a multi-day, international manhunt for Europe’s most-wanted man — who’s believed to be the final member of the Spanish extremist cell behind last week’s deadly incidents.

Spanish police confirmed the “suspicious person” they confronted in Subirats, a town 28 miles west of Barcelona, was Younes Abouyaaquoub, the 22-year-old Moroccan-born man Spanish authorities believe is the driver who rammed a vehicle into pedestrians at Las Ramblas promenade, one of the city’s most popular tourist attraction.

Mere her

Younes Abouyaaqoub – Europas mest eftersøgte

Younes Abouyaaqoub, 22, is still missing after a group of fanatics massacred 14 people and injured 130 when vehicles ploughed into crowds in two separate attacks on Barcelona’s famous Las Ramblas and tourist resort Cambrils.


He is believed to have fled on foot after the Las Ramblas attack in which a van zig-zagged through into helpless tourists and shoppers in the heart of Barcelona.

Police raided Abouyaaqoub’s flat in Ripoll – around 65 miles from Barcelona – as they says the terror cell behind the attacks has been “dismantled”.

Pictures taken inside the run-down apartment show a book entitled ‘The Life of the Prophet Muhammad’ on a mattress on the floor of a filthy bedroom.

Mere Her

20 august 2017

6 politimænd myrdet i USA de sidste døgn

Her har vi Løgnepressens Demokraternes og venstrefløjens darlings ANTIFA – Venstrefascistisk Sturmabteilung (S.A. 2.0)


18 august 2017

Charlottesville politi fortæller alt

Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to “STAND DOWN” to Ignite Race War (Video)

Mere her.

‘Fremmed udseende mand’ dræber 2 og sårer 6 i Turku Finland

Filed under: EU, Europa, Finland, Kriminalitet, Labaner, Mord, Vold — Hodja @ 19:21

Two dead, six injured in stabbing in central Turku

A suspected assailant has been shot in the leg and detained after a stabbing incident in Turku, south-west Finland. At least one person was seen lying on the ground and others were reported to be hurt on Friday afternoon. Police say that several people have been stabbed and ask the public to avoid the area.

A knife-wielding man attacked eight people in downtown Turku on Friday afternoon, killing two and wounding at least six.

At a press conference on Friday evening, police said that eight people were stabbed in the incident, which began at 16:02, and two of them had died. The suspect was shot in the leg and apprehended by police by 16:05, and as of Friday evening was being treated in hospital.

Mere på Tundra Tabloids

Tonen i debatten – en ægte fascist

A Democratic state senator in Missouri is facing resignation calls for posting on Facebook Thursday that she hopes President Trump is assassinated.

“I hope Trump is assassinated!” state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal wrote.

Chappelle-Nadal eventually deleted the post, but a screenshot was saved and shared on Twitter.


Nigel Farage hos Tucker Carlson om terroren i Europa

Five jihadis wearing suicide belts are killed and seven people injured as gunfire erupts in beach resort south of Barcelona.

SECOND terror outrage hours after 13 died in van attack on Las Ramblas

  • Five terror suspects are dead after a second terror attack near Barcelona in eight hours left seven people hurt
  • The jihadis were gunned down by police in the beach resort of Cambrils, 70 miles from Barcelona
  • The men, apparently wearing suicide belts, had tried to kill pedestrians with a car before it crashed
  • Earlier a terrorist in a van killed 13 and injured more than 100 on Barcelona’s iconic Las Ramblas promenade
  • Police said the attacks were linked, as was an explosion on Wednesday in a third resort town that killed one 
  • Officers now think the blast was a bomb factory exploding and more than 20 butane gas canisters were found 
  • One man was arrested after being pulled from the rubble and a second man was held after handing himself in

Mere på Daily Mail

17 august 2017

Barcelona: Terrorist i varebil kører fodgængere ned på Ramblaen i Barcelona – 13 døde – 50 sårede – 2 gerningsmænd? – gidsler?

BREAKING: Terror fears in Barcelona after van crashes into pedestrians along Las Ramblas tourist district before driver flees on foot ‘and gunshots are heard nearby’


Gerningsmand?: Driss Oubakir?

Several people are hurt after a van drove into crowds of people in Barcelona
Emergency services have rushed to the scene near the Las Ramblas tourist area
The driver of the van is thought to have fled after ploughing into pedestrians

Gerningsmændene siges at have forskanset sig på en bar i nærheden.

15 august 2017

Faith Goldy: Charlottesville med hendes egne ord

Inden længe vil fakkeltog og stearinlys være den største bidragyder til den globale opvarmning

Fakkeloptog skal vise, at borgerne på Nørrebro står sammen efter de mange skudepisoder.


Efter de seneste måneders talrige skudepisoder i København, gik et fakkeltog mandag aften igennem Nørrebro.

Arrangøren bag, Anahita Malakians, mener, at det er afgørende, at Nørrebro-borgerne viser fællesskab og sammenhold.

Fra BT

New York Times journalist sammenligner ANTIFA’s vold og had med de voldelige hvide i Charlottesville – det skulle hun aldrig have gjort

New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg made the mistake of admitting that along with the abhorrent, violent, white supremacists who terrorized Charlottesville over the weekend, many Antifa protesters were also enacting “hate-filled” violence, as they’ve done in several other cities in recent months.

For noting that the “hard left seemed as hate-filled as the alt-right” — citing “club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park” — Stolberg was hammered online, even after repenting and issuing a correction that depicted the violent left in more heroic terms.


Læs her hvordan venstrefascisterne falder over hende, og hun trækker i land.

Mord i massevis i Chicago – ingen reagerer på det – hvorfor?

Nine people were killed and at least 30 others were wounded in shootings across Chicago between Friday night and Monday morning.

Last weekend, three people were killed and 27 others were wounded in shootings across Chicago.

Detaljer her.

I Chicago er det hovedsagelig sorte, der myrder sorte – inklusive børn.

14 august 2017

Tyske WDR og Arte har lavet en film om anti-semitisme i Europa “Chosen, yet Excluded: The Hate against Europe’s Jews” som ingen må se

Gæt selv hvorfor.

13 august 2017

Charlottesville: Vold i gaderne

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – Conflicts with mainstream media and politicians’, including Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe’s, characterization of events surrounding the white nationalist Unite the Right rally emerged quickly over the weekend.

“I have a message to all the white supremist [sic] and the Nazis who came into Charlottesville today … You came here today to hurt people and you did hurt people,” McAuliffe told reporters at a press conference Saturday night.

The governor repeatedly emphasized the violence of “nazis” but made no reference to violence by any left-wing group, despite being asked repeatedly about what role such groups may have played in Saturday’s melee. The implication was clear that the violence was an unavoidable result of far-right white identity political groups being allowed to hold a rally.

But a report on police conduct during and after the rally by ProPublica, a left-leaning investigative journalism non-profit, as well as eyewitness accounts by those who participated in the rally itself, have called the simplicity of this characterization into question. Both suggest mismanagement of police resources by political leadership may have exacerbated, rather than controlled, the violence surrounding the rally and the counter-protests, which included mainstream liberals and local faith-based “anti-racism” groups as well as radical leftist “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) and “Anti-Fascist Action” (Antifa) outfits.

Du må gætte en gang på, hvilken vinkel DDR tog her til morgen. Jeg har sjældent hørt noget lignende, hvad angår nazi-associationer, anti-semitisme og herrefolksideologi  møntet direkte på Donald Trump og hans stab i Det Hvide Hus. Venstrefløjen, Black Lies matter og ANTIFA’s Venstrefascistiske Sturmabteilung (S.A. 2.0) blev ikke nævnt med et eneste ord.

11 august 2017

Wikipedia forvandler med et snuptag STASI-stikkeren Anetta Kahane til en menneskerettighedsforkæmper

Anetta Kahane gehörte früher zum System der DDR-Diktatur, von 1974 bis 1982 führte das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit sie als IM „Victoria“.

Kahane war 8 Jahre lang Teil dieses menschenverachtenden Unrechtssystems. Heute steht sie an der Seite des aktuellen Regimes in Berlin, wenn es darum geht, Andere auszuhorchen und anzuschwärzen, arbeitet Kahane mit den verschiedensten politischen Unrechts-Systemen zusammen. Einmal mit der STASI unter dem verurteilten Mörder Erich Mielke, welcher für seine geliebte Diktatur foltern und morden lies und heute eben mit Heiko Maas, der wie es für mich scheint, nicht mehr weit weg von dem System “STASI” entfernt ist.

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