Hodjanernes Blog

8 maj 2010

Samarbejds-Politiken anmelder “Mig og Muhammed”

Som før nævnt har Samarbejds-Politiken via Lars Trier Mogensen med den imponerende titel redaktør for lederkollegiet forfattet en sand mesteranmeldelse af Jalvings nye bog.
Vi bringer her en kort opsummering af Lars Triers vigtigste kritikpunkter:

  • Bogen lykkes ikke som smædeskrift, fordi Jalving, belæst som han er, ikke formår at synke ned på ”det intolerante niveau, der præger meningsfællerne i Trykkefrihedsselskabet”.
  • Bogens forfatter er en ”middelklassedreng” og ”søn af velfærdssamfundet” og egner sig derfor ikke som kontroversiel dissident.
  • Jalving citerer koranen uden at reflektere videre over, hvordan praktiserende muslimer og de stadig flere kulturmuslimer rent faktisk tænker og tror, f.eks. i Danmark.
  • En fiktiv reinkarnation af Voltaire ville ikke være enig i Jalvings synspunkter.
  • Jalving bruger “hysteriske ræsonnementer” og er en “sur charlatan”.
  • Bogens titel er helt forkert.
  • Sammenlignet med forfattere til andre islamkritiske bøger har Jalving, født 1968, ikke meget på spil, fordi han havde en sorgløs opvækst tæt på Vollsmose (før området blev til en muslimsk ghetto) og aldrig skænkede islam og profeten Muhammed så meget som en enkelt tanke.
  • Jalving strør om sig med hån, spot og latterliggørelse…

Køb bogen her»


Samarbejds-Politiken indstillet til Nobels Fredspris.

Et medlem af lederkollegiet på Samarbejds-Politiken anmelder Mikael Jalving ny bog “Mig og Muhammed”: “Selv evner Jalving desværre ikke at skelne mellem religion og religiøs fanatisme. Side efter side plastrer han til med citater fra Koranen uden at reflektere videre over, hvordan praktiserende muslimer og de stadig flere kulturmuslimer rent faktisk tænker og tror, f.eks. i Danmark.”

Det glæder os usigeligt at Samarbejds-Politiken nu – efter alle disse år – har præsteret hvad ingen anden kunne. Selv så fremtrædende muslimer som Tyrkiets Racep Erdogan har kun kunnet finde een – og kun een – islam. så venter vi bare på, at Samarbejds-Politiken præsenterer os for et par stykker af disse kulturmuslimer…Men vi holder ikke vejret imens…

Hvad var det nu, Hedegaard ikke måtte sige om muslimer?

Filed under: Asyl, Immigration, Indvandring, Islam, Muslim World, Sverige — egtvedpigen @ 11:58

وكان محمد زوجة من 31 بما في ذلك طفلة في التاسعة من عمرها ومارست الجنس


Al den snak om burka-forbud kan nu forstumme: muslimerne har sagt fra – med deres vanlige argumentationsform.

I Italien har den første muslima fået en bøde for at gå maskeret rundt. I Frankrig og Belgien er man ved at indføre lignende forbud og i Schweiz er den første kanton på vej. I Danmark har enkelte også givet et pip, men nu kan man godt lukke den debat: Muslimerne har i en video truet Belgien med al landsens ulykker dersom man ikke tager lovforslaget af bordet. At de så ikke har udstrakt truslen til Frankrig, Italien og Schweiz – og Danmark? – kan vel tvangfrit tilskrives langsommelighed i opfattelsen. Men nu er proppen af flasken og al videre snak om den ting kan arkiveres i dhimmi-arkivet. Selv om sagens substans – det såkaldte burka-forbud – er ret ligegyldig, er det dog et tegn på at vestlige politkere i hvert fald har overvejet for første gang at sætte hælen i for yderligere islamisering. Symbolsk, om ikke andet…

Biella, 7 May (AKI) – “The northern city of Cossato on Friday became the third local authority in Italy to impose fines on women who cover their faces in public. The head-to-toe Islamic burqa and the niqab, which leaves the eyes visible are not specifically named in the by-law but are understood to be its target. The fines will range from 25 to 100 euros. Elsewhere in northern Italy, Varallo and Novara city councils have already imposed fines on burqa and niqab wearers. “There’s no security emergency in Cossato. But I want to stress that people coming to our country have obligations as well as rights,” said mayor Claudio Corradino, who belongings to Italy’s anti-immigrant Northern League party. The burqa and niqab are a sensitive issue in Italy and elsewhere in Europe, where many people see them as a security threat, as well as a symbol of the oppression of women and an obstacle to integration. The Northern League party, a coalition partner in Italy’s conservative government, made strong gains in recent regional elections in northern Italy. The northeastern Veneto and northern Piedmont regions elected Northern League governors. – A row erupted on Wednesday after Novara city council on fined a Tunisian woman 500 euros after she she was apprehended by police wearing a burqa outside a post office. The move drew criticism from Muslim groups and politicians from Italy’s centre-left opposition. It was Italy’s first such fine and made possible after Novara city council, which is dominated by the Northern League, introduced a controversial by-law in January banning clothing which prevented immediate identification in public.

Geneva – “A Swiss canton on Tuesday passed legislation preparing the groundwork for a possible ban on the Islamic burqa.The local council in Aargau, a canton (state) in the north of Switzerland along the German border, voted overwhelmingly to work on a state initiative to make wearing the burqa in public places illegal. Most major parties backed the move.Pushing the motion forward, the centrist and right wing parties in favour said the garment was a “symbol of male dominance over women,” according to the Swiss news agency SDA.The parties also said the full body veil prevents the integration of migrants into Swiss society.The Socialist party objected to locally legislating on the matter, but members noted that they had negative views on the burqa, citing feminist concerns.The Green party was opposed, saying the proposal was “hysterics” and a scare-mongering tactic.It is estimated that less than 100 Muslim women across Switzerland wear the burqa, a full body and face covering.Bans on the burqa are being mulled in other Swiss cantons, including Bern.The Swiss Federal Council, the executive branch of government, earlier this year said it opposed a ban, noting the small number of women involved.Last year, in a nationwide vote, some 58 per cent of Swiss citizens surprised observers and adopted a law to ban building new minarets across the country. That controversial move was opposed by the government in the lead up to the referendum.”

(Reuters) – “Belgian authorities are analysing a video containing threats to attack the country and other European states if they enforce a ban on full face veils, government officials said on Thursday. Belgium’s lower house of parliament approved a bill last week that would enforce such a ban but it is unlikely to become law soon because the government has collapsed and parliament is due to be dissolved. France is also considering a ban. A text written in English on a video posted on the Internet says: “If you ban the burqa, hijab or niqab (veils) … then you will see (a) very dangerous situation in your countries.” It shows veiled women, some armed with guns, armed men and children carrying weapons and ammunition. They did not identify themselves. Wearing the burqa, hijab or niqab is every Muslim woman’s right and governments will pay for their decision to ban the veil, the text of the video says. A spokesman for the government’s crisis centre, which handles security threats, said it had informed Belgium’s anti-terrorism body of the potential threat. – “They are carrying out an analysis and could then decide to take measures,” the spokesman said. France, home to Europe’s biggest Muslim minority, is planning to debate a draft law from mid-May and ban all face veils in public within months.”