Hodjanernes Blog

4 april 2009

Farvel til Påskeharen.

Objekt nr. 7.654.321 som fornærmer kulturberigerne: Påskeæg!

paaskehare_haramYorkshire Post: A primary school at the centre of a row over separate assemblies for Muslim pupils faced further criticism yesterday after its Easter bonnet parade was cancelled.

The event has traditionally taken place every year at Meersbrook Bank Primary School in Heeley, Sheffield, on the last day of term before the Easter holiday. Yesterday parents were expecting to be invited into the school to see youngsters put on the seasonal show – but were told this year’s event had been scrapped.

In February headteacher Julia Robinson quit after she tried to stop separate assemblies for Muslim pupils, which had been held for several years. She wanted to hold assemblies for pupils of all backgrounds – a practice common in most schools – but was forced to backtrack after she was accused of being a racist. – The school set up a working party to examine the proposals, but Mrs Robinson was forced to take time off from her job. When plans were announced for her to return to work some parents protested, and Mrs Robinson resigned along with chairman of governors Sarah Browton. Outside the school after the parade’s cancellation, one parent said: “It’s always something the parents have looked forward to so they can go in and admire their children’s work. – “Nobody is happy. It’s an absolute farce. I believe it’s all connected with what’s been going on earlier in the year.”


Filed under: Afghanistan, Danmark, Evidens, Imamer, Islam, Jura, Shariah — Skjoldungen @ 21:00

Vi bringer lige de lovparagraffer, vi er i Afghanistan for at forsvare:

paragrafArticle 27 The age of maturity (and thus marriage) is 15 for boys; for girls it is when they have their first period

Article 132 The couple should not commit acts that create hatred and bitterness. The wife is bound to preen for her husband, as and when he desires. The husband, except when travelling or ill, is bound to have intercourse with his wife every four nights. The wife is bound to give a positive response

Article 133 The husband can stop the wife from any unnecessary, un-Islamic act. The wife cannot leave the house without the permission of the husband

Article 177 The wife does not have the right to the provision of maintenance by the husband unless she agrees to have intercourse with him and he gets an opportunity for doing so

Obedience, readiness for intercourse and not leaving the house without the permission of the husband are the duties of the wife, violation of every one of them will mean disobedience to the husband

One provision of the law appears to protect the woman’s right to sex inside marriage, saying that the “man should not avoid having sexual relations with his wife longer than once every four months”

Fundet i The Times.

EUSSR: “All ur soldaten are belong to us.”

Filed under: Danmark, Dhimmier, EUSSR, Indvandring, Islam, Jihad, Politik, SF, Shariah, UK, Våben, Venstrefløjen — Skjoldungen @ 10:52

Den “EUrabische Wehrmacht” rykker nærmere. “Heute gehört uns England, morgen die ganze Welt”.

eurabia-army2Da EUSSR begyndte at sende tropper til Bosnien og Kosovo for at hjælpe de stedlige muslimer med den etniske udrensning af serbere, kroater og andre vantro fik man rigtigt blod på tanden. Tanken om et stor-EUrabisk militær havde længe stået på ønskesedlen. Ikke så meget for at kunne erobre resten af verden – endnu – men fordi man i Bryssel godt er klar over, at når de indledende skærmydsler med islam – den fase vi er i nu – er overstået og den rigtige, pan-europæiske borgerkrig begynder for alvor, så kan man næppe stole på loyaliteten hos de nationale værn. Man må derfor oprette en ikke-national styrke som kan sættes ind mod det enkelte lands militær når dette nægter at skyde mod egne landsmænd.

Af samme grund ønsker de islamofile partier værnepligten afskaffet og erstattet af lejetropper. Logisk nok. Da mulighederne i dette perspektiv dæmrede for Villy Vendekåbe gik SF helhjertet ind for afskaffelsen af Danmarks forsvars-forbehold og skiftede navn til Waffen-SF. England har vist vejen:

Daily Mail: Britain is willing to provide all our Armed Forces to fight under the EU flag in future wars, a minister has revealed.

Europe Minister Caroline Flint said that every operational unit of the British Army, the Royal Navy and RAF will be on offer as part of an EU ‘force catalogue’. This would help form a 60,000-strong, joint EU military reaction force to police the world’s trouble-spots. Questioned by MPs this week, about Britain’s commitment to the controversial plans, she said: ‘We are prepared to provide all our forces that are suitable for operations within the EU level of action.’

[…] France has championed the Euro-Army agenda for years. President Nicolas Sarkozy is pushing for a European military headquarters in Brussels, and more EU Rapid Reaction Forces, each made up of 1,500 troops from member states. And earlier this week, a European parliament report said that British and French military bases around the world, including those in the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar and Cyprus, should be put under joint EU control for future operations.

[…] Opponents of the EU reaction force fear that it will become a major stepping stone towards a huge standing EU army, controlled from Brussels, which would undermine Nato and freeze the U.S. out of Europe’s security affairs. EU forces have so far carried out only limited missions  –  including peacekeeping in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Congo. But its supporters hope that the new reaction force would also gradually allow the EU to eclipse Nato, or U.S.-led ‘coalitions of the willing’, in responding to international crises.

Caroline Flint, who oversees Britain’s role in Brussels, faced embarrassment during the committee’s hearings when she admitted that she had never read the Lisbon Treaty, the controversial document which is set to usher in radical reform of the EU. Conservative defence spokesman Mark Francois described her remarks as an ‘incredible admission’, after she told MPs that she had read ‘some of it but not all of it’.

Tillykke med dagen, Islam!

Filed under: Blogs Foreign English, Islam, Jihad, Muslim World, Terrorism — Skjoldungen @ 09:43

I dag runder Fredens Religion™ en ny milepæl: antallet af civile ofre siden 9/11 passerer de 13.000.

tropFra Islammonitor: After doing my usual scanning of a dozen or so websites which I commonly visit, something stood out. A magic number is on the horizon. After sitting in contemplative silence for a minute, I decided to pen together some thoughts that I have been having lately regarding the seemingly imminent “13,000”.

For those who visit The Religion Of Peace like me, you will be aware that they have some very diligent people tirelessly recording the number of terrorist attacks in the world. This illustrious list started after the September 11 attacks, which, coincidently enough is when most of us started to realise the true colours of Islam.At the time of writing this, the list of terrorist attacks at TROP, is 12,961. The vast majority of these attacks having multiple murders in the one attack, as well as numerous physical and psychological injuries. Anticipating the traditional style of rebuttal along the lines of: “It’s all Bush’s fault Iraq is so messed up”, I looked at the countries affected in the last 2 months. Some of them being the peaceful Islamic countries of the Middle East and some of them experiencing the wonders of Islamic immigration and integration:
