Hodjanernes Blog

27 august 2017

JK Rowling Is The One Talking “Bollo*ks”!

19 august 2017

Der er noget grueligt galt i Tyskland

System-, islamkritiker og forfatter for PI Michael Stürzenberger er netop idømt 6 måneders fængsel for at bringe autentiske billeder i en anmeldelse.

sturzenbergerfbDie Saat geht auf. Das Zusammenspiel von Justiz, bayerischem Verfassungsschutz und Staat läuft wie geschmiert: ein weiterer Anschlag auf die Freie Meinungsäußerung in einem Regime, das seine Kritiker mittlerweile stärker kriminialisert als die eigentlichen Täter, die Deutschland bedrohen. PI-NEWS-Autor Michael Stürzenberger wurde heute Mittag in einem Schauprozess von der Strafkammer des Landgerichts München wegen „Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger Organisationen“ zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von sechs Monaten verurteilt.

Stürzenberger rezensierte im Juni 2016 auf PI-NEWS den Artikel „Hakenkreuz und Halbmond“ aus der Süddeutschen Zeitung, in dem er auch namentlich erwähnt wurde. Er verwendete in dem gut recherchierten zeitgeschichtlichen Essay auch zwei Originalfotos, die den damaligen Mufti von Jerusalem Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini mit „Hakenkreuz“-Größen zeigte – zur geschichtlichen Berichterstattung im Sinne einer staatsbürgerlichen Aufklärung.

Michael SturzenbergerDiese Verwendung ist ausdrücklich vom Erlaubnistatbestand des § 86 (3) des deutschen Strafgesetzbuches gedeckt. Auch die SZ verwendete ähnliche Originalfotos. Stürzenberger zeigte dabei die zeitgeschichtlichen Schnittmengen der beiden Ideologien „Islamismus“ und „National-Sozialismus“ auf. In einem Facebook-Eintrag wies er sowohl auf den PI-News-Artikel hin, sowie auf den SZ-Beitrag „Hakenkreuz und Halbmond“ und die Forschungsergebnisse des renommierten ägyptischen Politologen Hamed Abdel Samad.

Mere på PI

Enhver, der tvivler på forbindelsen mellem nazisme og islam, kan læse videre her.


7 maj 2017

Det er ved at være grillvejr igen

Filed under: Almindelig fornuft, Grisobarium, Kunst, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 16:37

2 maj 2017

1. maj i Paris: Venstrefascistisk Sturmabteilung (S.A. 2.0) i aktion


28 april 2017

Svin vs. ISIS: The Swine-11 Masacre

Filed under: Antisemitisme, Grisobarium, Irak, ISIS, Islam, Jihad, Koran, Muslim World — Hodja @ 16:47

Svin gør ISIS til grin over hele Verden 🙂

27 april 2017

Irak: Vildsvin dræber ISIS-terrorister

Filed under: Grisobarium, Irak, ISIS, Politik — Hodja @ 13:16

Three ISIS militants were killed and five others were wounded after being attacked by wild boars in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk.


25 februar 2017

Muhammed – tysk reklame 1928

Filed under: Islam, Muhammed, Muhammed Cartoons, Politik, Tyskland — Hodja @ 23:55

I 1928 tog ingen notits af en Muhammed tegning


20 december 2016

Drudge Report


13 december 2016

Kælegrisen LiLou beroliger (næsten alle) nervøse passagerer i San Fransiscos lufthavn

Filed under: Almindelig fornuft, Grisobarium, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 10:48

7 oktober 2016

Bacon raid i Camden UK

Filed under: Grisobarium, Moske, Minaret, Selvforsvar, UK — Hodja @ 16:05

WORSHIPPERS have described being subjected to a “religious hatred attack” in which two men allegedly threw pieces of bacon at them while they prayed at a mosque in Somers Town.


Two men, described as wearing dark coloured uniforms, allegedly entered the Al Rahman Mosque and Community Centre in Crowndale Road on Sunday night and began placing pieces of pork – which is considered “haram” or forbidden in the Islamic faith – inside shoes left on a rack near the entrance.

When confronted, the two men, who were both described as white, with short hair and beards, threw pieces of meat towards worshippers.

Mere på CamdenNew Journal

25 september 2016

Kristen jordansk forfatter Nahed Hattar myrdet for at cirkulere karikaturtegning


6 september 2016

Ungarsk akademiker: “Rul dem i svineskind!”

Miklós Maróth: We should deport the criminal and not integrated Muslims.

Professor Miklós Maróth is a leading Hungarian conservative thinker. He is a university professor, a classical scholar, a scholar of Oriental studies, a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the first dean of Matthias Corvinus Collegium, Hungary.

In 2007 he was elected president of the Union Académique Internationale. He is an editor of Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae and specializes in the research of the ancient Greek and Oriental philosophy. He has published several Syrian scripts of the Berlin Turfan-Collection, and is renowned for solving many debated scientific issues of the historical geography of Central Asia.

For his achievements, the Government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán awarded him with the highly respected National Széchenyi Prize in 2016, and he is the holder of numerous other scientific and state awards.

He has authored books on Islam and political theory and stands up against the ongoing Islamic conquest of the West and Europe.

In the following video, Professor Maróth speaks at a panel discussion held by the Hungarian Migration Research Institute on the 11 February 2016.

3 september 2016

Et års fængsel for at anbringe bacon på moske dør!

7 måneders fængsel for at brække næsen på kvinde.

Dagens UK

11 august 2016


Filed under: Grisobarium — Hodja @ 22:44


16 juli 2016

Grisen Eugene risikerer udvisning

Filed under: Grisobarium, Jura, Udvisning, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 21:19

19 maj 2016

Douglas Murrays Erdogan poesi konkurrence

Douglas Murray on the Spectator Podcast announcing the winner of the Erdogan poetry contest.

20 april 2016

Introducing ‘The President Erdogan Offensive Poetry Competition’ – £1000 prize to be won

Nobody should be surprised that Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has instituted effective blasphemy laws to defend himself from criticism in Turkey.

But many of us had assumed that these lèse-majesté laws would not yet be put in place inside Europe.  At least not until David Cameron succeeds in his long-held ambition to bring Turkey fully into the EU. Yet here we are.  Erdogan’s rule now already extends to Europe.

At the end of last month, during a late-night comedy programme, a young German comedian called Jan Böhmermann included a poem that was rude about Erdogan.  Incidentally the point of Mr Böhmermann’s skit was to highlight the obscenity of Turkey already trying to censor satire in Germany.

What happened next happened in swift order.  First of all the Turks complained to their German counterparts.  Within a few days the programme had been pulled.  A few more days and it was whitewashed out of existence altogether.  In the meantime Mr Böhmermann himself was forced to go under police protection.  The worst blow then came late last week when Chancellor Merkel allowed the prosecution of Mr Böhmermann to go ahead in Germany.The fact such a trial could even be contemplated demonstrates that Germany is becoming little more than a satrapy of Erdogan’s.

Well I’m a free-born British man, and we don’t live under the blasphemy laws of such despots.  So in honour of this fact I have spent the weekend writing rude limericks about Mr Erdogan.  And I would hereby like to invite all readers to join me in a grand Erdogan limerick competition.  That isn’t to say that entries which come in the form of Iambic pentameters, or heroic couplets will be completely discounted.  I think a work in the Homeric mode, for example, about the smallness of Erdogan’s manhood could (if suitably disgusting) stand some chance of winning.  But I recommend limericks because almost everything insulting that is worth saying can usually be included within the five lines of that beautiful and delicate form.

I would also like to stress that the aim of the competition is to be as filthy and insulting as possible about Recep Erdogan.  Rhymes with some political point might be considered, but will inevitably take second-place to works which mull (for example) solely on President Erdogan’s reputed fondness for goats or his notorious untrustworthiness in the vicinity of any public zoo.

The limerick that follows is my best shot so far.  But I am happy to report that there are many available rhymes and sexual positions which are still in my jotting pad and remain unused.  I should like to reiterate that limericks will be excluded from consideration from the top prize if they are (a) not obscene or (b) non-defamatory.  I do not want to have to, Vizier-like, proclaim my own poem the winner.  Anyhow, here’s mine:

Recep Erdogan is the Turk’ll

Never tire of rim-jobs from his circle

Yet his chief-est delight

(Now Khilafa’s in sight)

Are the felchings he gets from Frau Merkel

Anyway – see if you can do any better. Please submit all entries to theeditor@spectator.co.uk, under the heading ‘The President Erdogan Offensive Poetry Competition’.  The winning poem will be announced by 23 June.  Because we may not be able to announce it after that point.

Update: A generous reader, who shares the Spectator’s belief in the freedom of speech, is offering a £1000 prize for the best limerick. We’ve had some great entries so far, please keep them coming.

Douglas Murray i The Spectator

6 april 2016

Halal challenge

Filed under: Dyremishandling, EURABIA, Grisobarium, Halal, Islam, Islamisering, Tyskland — Hodja @ 20:52

Aktivister er begyndt at lægge svinekød ved siden af halal kød i kølediskene i Tyske supermarkeder under mottoet ‘Hala challenge er dyrebeskyttelse.’

11 marts 2016

German politicians campaign to make pork mandatory in public canteens after sausages and bacon were removed ‘to prevent offending Muslims’

German politicians claim pork taken off menus ‘for religious reasons’

Mere på Daily Mail

„Niemand muss Döner essen“ Schweinske-Plakat sorgt für Aufregung

23 februar 2016

Den hollandske grisemand Ed hos PEGIDA i Dresden

Berlin. In immer mehr deutschen Kindertagesstätten und Schulen wird Schweinefleisch vom Speiseplan verbannt. Grund ist die stetig wachsende Zahl muslimischer Kinder in Deutschland.

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Og her.

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