Hodjanernes Blog

26 februar 2017

Britain First demonstrerer i Telford (Det Ny Rotherham) 25. februar mod muslimske sexforbryderbander

Telford has been dubbed the “New Rotherham” because of the scale of the Muslim grooming gang horrors that have unfolded in the town.

The police, the council and social services are up to their neck in a huge cover-up of the abuse.

Join Britain First to protest in the town against this scandal!

3 februar 2017

Pædofile muslimer råbte Allahu akbar i retten da de blev dømt

‘My child was the product of pure evil,’ says woman made pregnant by Rotherham sex abuser at age 12

A woman who was sexually exploited by a number of men in Rotherham from the age of 11 looked on as five of her abusers were jailed.

The woman, who became one of Britain’s youngest mothers at 12 years old as a result of the abuse, was one of two young girls groomed by the men between 1999 and 2001.


The victim, in a statement read to the court, said:

“There’s evil and truly evil people in the world. I feel my child was the product of pure evil.”

There were emotional and chaotic scenes at Sheffield Crown Court after two of the defendants shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they were led from the dock after they were handed their sentences.

Six men, three of whom were brothers, were handed sentences totalling more than 80 years.

Professor Alexis Jay’s report, in 2014, provoked a wave of shock when she described how more than 1,400 children had been groomed, trafficked and raped in Rotherham over a 16-year period.

Mere på itv

14 april 2016

Gavin Boby: minoritet eller majoritet af muslimer bag sex skandaler i England ?

Han laver nogle særdeles interessant beregninger !

Du har sikkert hørt om Rotherham, en af de mange byer , hvor “asiater” , dvs muslimer i upolitisk korrekt sprog voldtog mindreårige engelsek piger i tusindvis
Det var bare een af mange byer, hvor det samme skete, og hvor offentlige myndigeder ikke turde gribe ind – af frygt for at blive kaldt “racister” …
Så hellere lade pigerne blive voldtaget!

Taget herfra og herfra

7 september 2015

Almost 1,000 Britain First patriots march in Rotherham

Filed under: Britain First, Demografi, Europa, Immigration, Islam, Islamisering, UK — Tags: , — Hodja @ 16:02

Full credit to ONE-NARROW-DOOR

25 august 2015

Rotherham politi forsøger at sabotere Britain First demonstration mens de holder hånden over voldelige venstrefascister

Filed under: Britain First, Demografi, Immigration, Muslim, Pædofili, UK, Voldtægt — Tags: , — Hodja @ 23:14

12 august 2015

UK: Ofre for muslimsk pædofili ignoreres fortsat

Et helt indslag uden at nævne, hvem gerningsmændene er – og så fortsætter journalisterne med KUN at skyde på myndighederne.

12 juli 2015


Dozens of Britain First activists spent the afternoon in Rotherham today campaigning ahead of our protest march in the town on Saturday September 5th.

18 marts 2015

Rotherham – The Muslim rape gang scandal

13 februar 2015

Rotherham sexoffer: “Vi blev ofret af venstrefløjen.”

The horrific story of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, England, has taken another tawdry turn. “Jessica,” who was victimized as a child, insists local politicians “buried the truth to suit their own ends.”


“I’ve said all along that this has been about two things—money and power,” she explained. “Girls like me were sacrificed because no one wanted the boat rocked because they knew it’d cost them votes if the finger of blame was pointed and because they thought we were worthless.

The votes to which Jessica refers are those of the Asian community that Britain’s Labour Party needed to maintain its power base in Rotherham.

“There was an echelon of people who scratched each other’s backs,” revealed Solicitor Dave Greenwood, who is representing 38 victims in this burgeoning scandal. “But I think there’s an ‘X Factor’ at play here. It’s quite apparent there was a feeling of the need to maintain the Asian vote to preserve Labour’s majority in the town,” he added.

Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer illuminates the utter bankruptcy of Britain’s political elitists.

If Britain were still a sane society, every politician, Labour and otherwise, who knew about these Muslim rape gangs and kept quiet for fear of losing Muslim votes should be barred from ever holding or seeking political office again, and a serious investigation would be undertaken to determine whether or not charges of treason were warranted,” he writes. “But Britain is no longer a sane society.”

One of those politicians is Ged Fitzgerald, former chief executive of the Rotherham Council. He is facing renewed interest regarding allegations he ignored warnings that his employees were blocking investigations. Fitzgerald, currently chief executive of Liverpool council, presided over Rotherham Council from 2001-2003, part of the 16-year period when as many as 1,400 girls were exploited by men mostly of Pakistani descent.

Mere på Canada Free Press

29 oktober 2014

Ezra Levant – UKIP: 1,400 reasons not to trust Labour (Rotherham)

4 september 2014

Den virkelige indre fjende


Muslim Rape Gangs: the Disturbing Role of Britain’s Leading Child Welfare Charity