Hodjanernes Blog

6 september 2017

Britisk politi fortsætter med at chikanere Tommy Robinson

Canadisk journalist: Ku Klux klan er farligere end ISIS

Anklaget for menneskesmugling: Odense-advokat politianmelder Red Barnet

Da advokat Klaus Ewald i weekenden så Red Barnets folder til organisationens landsindsamling, studsede han over, at Red Barnet skrev om redningsskibet Vos Hestia.

Et skib, som angiveligt redder 800 fra druknedøden om ugen.

Red Barnet samler penge ind til at støtte menneskesmugling. De finansierer driften af et skib, der samler 800 mennesker op om ugen. Altså 40.000 mennesker om året, som man har tænkt sig at landsætte i Europa. Det er kun fem procent af dem, der er børn. Langt hovedparten af dem er unge mænd, der flygter fra deres forpligtigelser over for deres børn og koner i Mellemøsten og Afrika, siger Klaus Ewald.

Han begriber ikke, at han er den første, som politianmelder Red Barnet.

Non-profit organisationen Southern Poverty Law Center ejer over 300 millioner $ – nogle af dem i skatteskjul

Mere om SPLC her.


Filed under: Black Lives Matter, Loonies, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 17:11


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Nancy Pelosi er skingrende skør

Filed under: Demokraterne, Loonies, Pampere, Politik, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 17:06

USA: Illegal indvandring koster 30 milliarder $ om året i mistede skatteindtægter

Tax credits received by illegal immigrants and wage write-offs U.S companies claim in their illegal employment costs the Treasury $296 billion over 10 years, according to a new report that is urging Congress to crackdown on the loopholes.

Annually, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, the lost taxes bill is about $30 billion, enough to fund the average middle income tax cut the Trump administration is considering, about $300.

That comes on top of wage losses to legal workers of $118 billion when companies illegally hire undocumented aliens, said CIS.

“The economic rewards of unauthorized employment of aliens are not limited to the higher wages of the illegal workers and the lower labor costs of their employers. Unauthorized alien workers and their employers also enjoy multi-billion dollar tax deductions and tax credits that were enacted into law for the benefit of law-abiding workers and businesses,” said the report.

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Masoud Aqil genkender sine ISIS torturbødler i Tyskland – politiet kan intet gøre

Nyeste politisk korrekte ævl i USA: “mandlige stormnavne tages mere alvorligt end kvindelige”

Mage til “akademisk” vrøvl skal man da lede længe efter !

Mark Dice kauserer her om ovenstående og andre latterligheder fra de pilitisk korrekte

Chicago: Flere afgivne stemmer end vælgere i 2016

Filed under: Drain the Swamp, Kriminalitet, Politik, USA Valg, USA/Canada, Valgsvindel — Hodja @ 14:43

The head of the Chicago Republican Party is claiming the city reported thousands more votes cast than voters in the 2016 election — sparking a battle with Chicago officials who call the allegations overblown.

First reported by the Chicago City Wire, the Chicago GOP filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Chicago Board of Elections in January for a list of voters who had cast ballots in November. According to the party, the board responded with a list of 1,101,178 individuals, though its website reflects 1,115,664 votes cast.

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Hussein Obama skabte dette rod

Venstrefløjen, Microsoft, Amazon, Washington Compost, Google, Facebook og Apple hyler over at Trump vil afskaffe DACA.

President Obama created this mess. And it’s landed in President Trump’s lap and our lap in the Congress. The reason we know it’s unlawful is President Obama himself said it was unlawful in 2010 and 2011 when he was asked to take these steps and did not. But he did so in 2012 in the middle of his reelection.

DACA creates a new opportunity for citizenship through chain migration for their parents, the very people who violated the law by bringing them here as children in the first place. And two, we encourage other people around the world to bring their children here illegally. So we have to do something to stop chain migration. My bill does that, and we have to do something to enhance enforcement.

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Advokat vil drille Uffe Ellemann & Co , fordi han stak en kæp i et projekt

Nu vil han udleje sit nabohus til en muslimsk storfamile med kamphund …

🙂 🙂

Jeg ved ikke om det bare er en joke eller om det bliver virkelighed,
men jeg vil da håbe på det sidste …

Som de siger på amerikansk: put your money, where your mouth is … 🙂

Taget herfra og herfra, hvor du kan læse mere

EU vil flyve 38.000 afrikanere til Europa

Filed under: Afrika, Befolkningsudskiftning, Demografi, EU, Europa, EUSSR, Immigration — Hodja @ 10:07

The Dutch newspaper Financieel Dagblad (FD) published an article (paywall) on 30 August claiming that the EU is planning on organising an air lift to Europe for migrants from Africa.

In cooperation with UN refugee organisation UNHCR, the EU voices its intent to select those who are eligible for (temporary) shelter in Europe and bring them over.

EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos is said in the article to have written a letter to that effect, which was delivered in European capitals last Friday. Avramopoulos, restating earlier plans presented in July, called on member states to be “as ambitious as possible.” The member states have until the middle of September to respond, but none are obligated to agree to the proposal. To help finance this import of people, the EU has made available funds to the tune of €377 million, or €10.000 per expected refugee.

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Kampagne for Kurdistans selvstændighed begynder

Filed under: Irak, KRG, Kurdistan, Muslim World, Politik — Hodja @ 09:33

Official campaigning regarding the referendum for the Kurdistan Region has begun on Tuesday and will last for 18 days.

As of today, entities, political parties, and people may start campaigning for the referendum that is set to take place on September 25.

There have been large rallies in support of holding the referendum in Europe, including an August 26 rally in Cologne, Germany, that attracted an estimated 20,000 attendees including Kurds in diaspora and others.