Hodjanernes Blog

19 april 2017

Louise Rosealma medlem af Venstrefascistisk Sturmabteilung (S.A. 2.0) lyver overfor medierne

April 15th 2017 turned out to be quite a battle for America in Berkeley California.

It was basically two groups (and several independent and sub-groups). There were the socialist/antifa/communists on the one side, and on the other side the proud-boys/pro-Trump/patriots.

When the pro-Trump people declared that they would be having a rally on April 15th, shortly after the leftist groups decided that they would match them, and of course that means that the leftist will bring their violence.

So the events leading up to this event, were a sign of what would come at the rally, where Based Stickman defends himself against Berkeley Brownshirts, April 2017 and punched one of the people in a gang that was chasing him and threatening him in a park in Berkeley, and of course just like any fascist would, the socialists called the cops after getting punched.

Apparently “Based Stickman” aka Kyle Chapman was arrested on April 15th as well. I have reached out to him for an interview, so far I have not heard back yet as of 4/16/2017.

There were a few other minor scuffles leading up to April 15th. However the day of April 15th was every bit as violent as anyone anticipated.

BERKELEY 04/15 – BASED Stickman VS Antifa Skulls

There was a particular fascist, er I mean “antifa” that was posting on facebook that she was going to Berkeley on April 15th to collect the scalps of 100 (protesters).

Hillel Neuer fra UN Watch lukker munden på FN’s Menneskerettighedskommission

Hillel Neuer of UN Watch just destroyed all those Muslim countries who claim Israel is an apartheid state. Bringing the facts, he silences the entire room.

How can Syria, Saudi Arabia, and other human rights abusing countries say Israel is an apartheid state? How does the UN allow this? Countries which kill their own people are speaking out against the ONE DEMOCRACY in the Middle East. Doesn’t that sound twisted?

Israel has 1.5 million Arabs living a life with full rights, being doctors and lawyers, being part of the knesset, and yet the countries speaking out against Israel have persecuted and expelled whatever Jews used to be living there. As Neuer calls them out, he says “Where are your Jews?” He asks where the REAL apartheid is.

Dictatorships at UNHRC try to silence UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer

Fake news MSM benytter enhver lejlighed til at svine Trump til

Filed under: Donald Trump, Hykleri, Multi-kulti, TrumfEs, USA/Canada — Tags: , , — trumfes @ 14:13

Intet er for lavt …

Donald Trump bliver bedt af en tilskuer om at signere tilskuerens make-America-great hat og det gør han, for derefter at kaste hatten tilbage til ejermanden

Meen, hvis man er MSM, er det her jo en glimrende lejlighed til at svine Trump til:

Trump er “for dum” til at give hatten tilbage og smider den bare til andre tilskuere,
påstår MSM Young Turks , aka Young TURDS …

Det slipper de ikke godt fra, her er Mark Dice:

Computing Forever kommenterer også denne ( og andre MSM begivenheder) et stykke inde i den , efter at have vist at CNN – uden den ringeste dokumentation – bringer endnu et indslag med påstanden om at voldelige computerspil “gør” folk voldelige .. … 🙂

“Damer, overlad videnskab til mændene” !

Filed under: Almindelig fornuft, Evidens, Multi-kulti, Teknologi, TrumfEs, Videnskab — trumfes @ 14:03

Her er en ganske interessant og provokerende video om videnskabens fremgang og kønnene

Den skal nok få beton-feministerne op af stolen 🙂

Men den er både underholdende og overbevisende !

Hnas kilder er her

Hvis nogen ellers skulle være i tvivl: hætteklædte antifa elsker fysisk vold

Filed under: Donald Trump, Multi-kulti, Totalitære, TrumfEs, USA/Canada — trumfes @ 13:06

Når det er dem, der starter volden, og det er det næsten altid !

Se denne video, hvor en mand forklædte sig som antifa for at dokumentere at antifa kommer til pro-trump demonstrationer med et formål at begå fysk vold

Jeg forstår ikke at politiet ikke griber ind – dels når det er tydeligt at antifa er voldelige – men også når hætteklædte bøller kommer med våben og lignende

Jeg synes at Trump bør præcisere at politiet SKAL gribe ind, når de ser hætteklædte bøller , inden der sker nogen vold

Hvis politiet har fået besked fra universitetsledelsen om at holde sig i ro,
skal enhver federal støtte til den udddannelsesinstitution omgående fjernes, og ledelsen skal personligt retsforfølges for at udsætte folk for fare og idømmes store bøder,
så man kan få det sturmabteilungs bølle-uvæsen standset

Taget herfra

Kvindelig muslimsk foredragsholder: ikke noget pædofili problem med 9 årige

Hør selv denne canadiske muslim bortforklare at Muhammed havde sex med 9-årige Aisha

Og som følge af det, har muslimer intet problem med det …

Taget herfra

Nogle af UK’s største supermarkeder ville ikke sælge påskeæg – men gerne halal

Filed under: Politik — Hodja @ 09:44

Sainsbury’s and Asda have opted not to stock the chocolate egg made by the Meaningful Chocolate Company while their rivals Tesco and Morrisons have, according to the Daily Mail.

The holy chocolate has received the blessing of the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, who said: “The Real Easter Egg gives consumers their first chance to buy an Easter egg that not only tastes good but does good, bringing to light the Easter themes of hope and new life.”

The eggs have been selling at a rate of 400,000 a month and more than £220,000 from sales have been donated to charity.