Hodjanernes Blog

30 november 2015

PEGIDA Dresden med Tommy Robinson

ISIS terrorist hyler som et pattebarn efter at være fanget af Peshmerga

Filed under: Irak, ISIS, Jihad, KRG, Kurdistan, Labaner, Peshmerga — Hodja @ 23:14

Vellykket integration – interkulturel dialog med vibrerende mangfoldighed

Toronto Canada: Mangfoldighed – men ikke for kristne

UPDATE on Toronto Christian group banned from singing about Jesus

Mutter Merkel: 1,5 millioner islamvasorer er ikke nok

Merkel vil have ‘Velkommen-propaganda’ i Afrika og på Balkan.

Marine le Pen om staternes understøttelse af Løgnepressen

Og det fortsætter og fortsætter: Spielfeld på grænsen mellem Østrig og Slovenien

Hvad synes franskmænd om samme MSM-behandling terror i Paris som i Israel ?

Ikke underligt synes de at MSM burde rapportere anderledes

Du har sikkert allerede set det:

Ved hvert palæstinensisk-arabisk terrorangreb mod israelere agiver MSM ( i Danmark RitSAU) altid antallet af døde terrorister sammen med døde uskyldige israelere.

Og da israelerne er gode til at forsvare sig sev, viser “tallene” altid mange flere døde arabere end døde israelere.

Nu har et israelsk TV-selskab fabrikeret en “forside” fra det seneste muslimske terrorangreb i Paris, hvor vinklen er den samme som mod Israel:

en ligestilling af terrorister og deres ofre


Se, hvad pariserne synes om den “vinkling”:

RitSAU er selvfølgelig revnende ligeglade og det er MSM også.
De gør det jo mod bedre vidende…

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Et interessant russisk partsindlæg

Filed under: Økonomi, ISIS, Islam, Kulturberigelse, Muslim World, TrumfEs, Tyrkiet — Tags: , — trumfes @ 17:01

RT sandsynliggør det store økonomiske samarbejde mellem ErDuGal(erdogan) og ISIS

Tyrkiet har importeret store mængder olie fra ISIS til 50% af verdensmarkedprisen og solgt det videre

Man skal altid tage den slags med et gran slat, men det synes klart at Erdogan spiller på to heste:
På den ene side lader han som om han bekæmper ISIS og den den anden side støtter han ISIS og beriger sig selv…

Taget fra Vlad

Islamiseringen af Sverige

Filed under: Politik — trumfes @ 16:48

“The Angry Foreigner” slår til igen med en glimrende video


Den er lidt lang, men ganske god

Taget fra Snaphanen

Israel reagerer på EUs diskrimination

Efter at EU har udvalgt Israel til særlig behandling mht “besatte” områder, svarer Israel nu igen

Desværre ser det ud til at det foreløbigt kun er midlertidigt.


Israel suspenderer al diplomatisk kontakt med EU, mens man “revurderer” Eus rolle i fredsprocessen.

Israel vil fortsat have diplomatisk kontakt de individuelle EU-lande.

Israels holdning i fremtiden bør være at EU ikke kan være en del af fredsprocessen,
når EU blot leger palæstinensisk papegøje over for Israel og KUN Israel.


Mærkeligt nok er det kun Judæa/Samaria og Golandhøjderne, som EU kræver labeling af.
Ikke af Marokko, Ikke af Tyrkiet. Ikke af Kina og så videre.

Man merkt die absicht und wird verstimmt, som Goethe sagde det.

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En (sjælden) gang imellem finder man interessante ting i Ekstrabladet

Filed under: Politik — trumfes @ 16:09

Idag bringer de en oversigt over hvor meget de enkelte lande betaler til EU

Målt pr indbygger er Danmark på en “flot” andenplads, kun overgået af Luxemborg.

Vi betaler ikke mindre end 511 euro pr dansker til det bureaukatiske misfoster !

Tyskerne betaler kun 374 euro pr snude.
Vi betaler med andre ord 37 % mere !



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Typisk muslimsk: “modige” i flok, kujoner enkeltvis

Her er en ISIS-“kriger”, der er taget tilfange af kurdiske soldater

Som du kan høre, er han ikke så modig nu …

Jeg husker også, hvor “modige” Sadaam Husseins soldater var, da de voldtog Kuwait.
Senere, da de havde fået tæsk af USA m.fl., var de ikke så modige …

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Et ja på torsdag binder Danmark til langt flere end 22 EU-love

Filed under: Danmark, EU, Politik — Hodja @ 14:15

Danmark bliver bundet til at følge over 100 EU-love i et overstatsligt samarbejde, hvis vi stemmer ja den 3. december.

SAS HIT LIST: British mother dubbed Mrs Terror Sally Jones top of KILL list

Filed under: ISIS, Jihad, Labaner, Politik, Syrien, UK — Tags: — Hodja @ 13:51

THE SAS will be sent to Syria with a hit list of 20 top jihadis, including 10 Britons, military sources revealed last night.

The kill mission is part of renewed efforts to eliminate Islamic State commanders in Syria and will happen regardless of the outcome of Wednesday’s vote in parliament.

A mother of two from Kent, who has made herself invaluable to IS, is believed to be among the targets.

Mere på Express

Nyttige idioter: Canadisk fagforening betaler terrorists advokatregninger

OFL helps pay terrorist Omar Khadr’s legal bills.

Dansk folkeparti på Sverigedemokraternas landsdagar

Russia: Erdogan’s Son Real ISIS Oil Minister, Behind Su24 Shoot Down

Filed under: Økonomi, Irak, ISIS, Jihad, Korruption, Kriminalitet, Labaner, Penge, Syrien, Tyrkiet — Hodja @ 00:14

Ankara defends ISIS, Turkish officials have financial interest in oil trade with group – PM Medvedev.

Cheap Syrian oil that ISIL terrorists trafficked to Turkey may be the real reason for the attack on the Russian Su-24 bomber morning, November 24th. Reported LifeNews.

According to the newspaper, the son of Turkish President Bilal Erdogan linked to ISIL terrorists, and he controls the Syrian oil flows to Turkey.    It is the fact that the Russian aircraft carried out massive strikes on oil fields militants, the Turkish authorities became the last straw.

Many experts constantly say about the top of the Turkish authorities who cooperate with the ISIL militants  . In the media there were even photographs of the son-heir of the Turkish leader posing next to the leaders of the “Islamic state.”


Mere her.

Erdogan Owes Syria 100Bn for Stolen Oil, Iraq Owed $1.5Tn

29 november 2015

Netherlands: Pig head Protest at Refugee Camp

Filed under: Asyl, Demografi, Europa, Holland, Immigration, Islam, Islamisering, Islamvasion, Politik — Hodja @ 23:56

The Islamisation of Sweden

This video thoroughly details the islamisation of Sweden and all the different aspects serving to blur the line between secular democracy and theocracy.

For this reason it is quite long, so below you will find a table of contents with timelines in case you want to jump to a specific part.

If you enjoy my work and wanna help me out, become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/EABT?ty=h

Also, this video is a good complimentary to mine, detailing the Wests role in funding and spreading radical Islam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ambko…

1 – 00:00 – We aren’t even allowed to deport terrorists
2 – 09:32 – The muslim radicalization of immigrant ghettos
3 – 18:30 – Tax-funded mosques advocating sexism
4 – 24:29 – Islamist organisations secretly working for intolerance
5 – 45:20 – Offended believers who demand special rights
6 – 51:37 – The racism of low expectations
7 – 57:44 – Moderate muslims are called “houseniggers” in Sweden

”Islamophobe” is a word purposely confusing well-founded criticism against organized religion with bigoted hatred towards all of it’s followers. It reinterprets criticism as a witch-hunt on individuals. Any sound critic of religion knows well enough to differentiate between people and ideology. Criticizing Islam (an idea) and demonizing Muslims (a people) are very different things. The word ”islamophobe” makes it impossible to have a constructive, nuanced conversation about Islam and islamism.

Islamists claiming to fight islamophobia are given millions in tax funding to spread intolerance. The massmedia pick the most suspicious professionally offended radicals to represent all muslims in Sweden, and secular muslims are hounded by left-wingers for being ”racist” when speaking out against radicals.

This is Sweden in 2015. Islamisation is an institutionalized process made possible by the complete cowardice and vile ignorance of Swedish politicians and journalists. They don’t know anything about muslims, and they don’t want to know. All they want to do is further their own career by saying what they think muslims want to hear, and avoiding labels such as ”racist” and ”islamophobic” – the latter of which is the islamist’s favourite tool to blur the line between democracy and theocracy.

And anybody who fails to draw the line between secular muslims and radicals is a useful idiot serving the purpose of islamists. By hating all muslims you’re confirming the islamists world-view where “muslims are under attack and we need to strike back.” You just made it easier for them to recruit a new terrorist.

The Swedish establishment gives power to the professionally offended fundamentalists who shout ”racist” at anything and all. It’s more comfortable for them that way, but in the process they turn their backs on all the muslims who actually want to live in a secular Western society.

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