Hodjanernes Blog

15 marts 2015

“Those who do not confront evil resent those who do”

Denne fantastiske sandhed stammer fra Dennis Prager

Bloggen monokultur har idag en glimrende artikel med overskriften:

“Venstrefløjen hader dem, der hader ondskab”

Her er et uddrag fra en artikel, som jeg har tyvstjålet fra Monokultur, som citerer Dennis Prager fra denne artikel:

There is no question about whether President Obama — along with Secretary of State John Kerry and the editorial pages of many newspapers — has a particular dislike of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

But there is another question: Why?

And the answer is due to an important rule of life that too few people are aware of:

Those who do not confront evil resent those who do.

Take the case at hand. The prime minister of Israel is at the forefront of the greatest battle against evil in our time — the battle against violent Muslims. No country other than Israel is threatened with extinction, and it is Iran and the many Islamic terror organizations that pose that threat.

It only makes sense, then, that no other country feels the need to warn the world about Iran and Islamic terror as much as Israel. That’s why when Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the United Nations about the threat Iran poses to his country’s survival and about the metastasizing cancer of Islamist violence, he, unfortunately, stands alone.

Virtually everyone listening knows he is telling the truth. And most dislike him for it.

Appeasers hate those who confront evil.

Og her er Dennis Pragers fantastiske klare argumentation:

inspector obama

Læs hele artiklen i Monokultur

4 kommentarer »

  1. Som en herre, allerede udstyret med stok pga en lidelse sagde i køen på vej til besøgsindgangen i Folketinget i går, efter jeg tændte piben: Skal vi ikke skifte side?
    Bevares, tænkte jeg, manden har det vel svært nok i forvejen…


    Kommentar af Peter Buch — 15 marts 2015 @ 16:12

  2. OT:
    Netavisen 180Grader udfører nu identitetscheck af nye brugere

    Netavisen 180Grader udfører nu identitetscheck af nye brugere


    Kommentar af KSD — 16 marts 2015 @ 09:20

  3. Fantastisk tale af Dennis Prager. Her er basis for mange tanker og diskussioner.


    Kommentar af husmanden — 16 marts 2015 @ 10:34

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