Hodjanernes Blog

27 december 2014

‘White Girl Bleed A Lot’: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It

Ferguson might be the worst, but it is not the first.  Ferguson is just the latest of hundreds of examples of black mob violence around the country.


White Girl Bleed a LotThe return of racial violence and how the media ignore it  was written for the deniers: Reporters and public officials and others who deny black mob violence has reached epidemic levels.

That is why so many readers get another copy: They send it to someone who needs to read it.

Denial is not an option any more. Many of these cases are now on YouTube.
And for the first time, readers will be able to scan QR codes to follow the black mob violence on video as they read about it in the book.

For the first time, readers will be able to see the huge difference between what big city newspapers say is happening. And what the videos show is really happening.

The new edition of White Girl Bleed a Lot documents more than 500 cases of black mob violence in more than 100 cities around the country. Many in 2013. And how the local and national media ignore, excuse and even condone it.

Writing in National Review, Thomas Sowell said: “Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.”

Neal Boortz said: “ColinFlaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of the research he’s done on the black culture of violence.”

The new edition of White Girl Bleed a Lot documents black mob violence in the bigger cities, such as Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, St. Louis. But also in places where the frequency and intensity of racial violence is not as well known: Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Charlotte, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Peoria, Springfield, Greensboro, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Champaign, Madison and many more.

Readers learn about “Beat Whitey Night” at a Midwest state fair.

Or how a Chicago Police Chief blamed the violence on Sarah Palin and the Pilgrims. Or how Oprah Winfrey gave $1 million to a Philadelphia charter school, only to see its students on video assaulting a white person shortly thereafter.

Or how gays and Asians and women are particular targets.

And how one congressman and former mayor said his city should not crack down on the violence because that will “just make a lot of black kids angry.” 

And how newspaper editors and reporters say they will not report racial violence. And how some people fight back.

Anthony Cumia, of the Opie and Anthony Show called White Girl Bleed a Lot a “Great Book.” As did national talk show host Jesse Lee Peterson. The San Francisco Examiner gave it 5 Stars. More reviews at WhiteGirlBleedaLot.com

Alex Jones of Infowars.com said it was “Brilliant. I could not put it down.”

Colin Flaherty has won more than 50 awards for journalism, many from the Society of Professional Journalists. His story about a black man unjustly convicted of trying to kill his wife girl friend resulted in his release from state prison and was featured on NPR, the Los Angeles Times and Court TV.


Holland: Muslimsk dirigent forsøger at omvende publikum inklusive dronning Beatrix hvorpå orkesteret udvandrer

Queen Beatrix of Holland attends an Orchestral Concert.

The Conductor, who just happens to be Muslim, proceeds to give the Queen a lecture on the “beauty” of Islam. The members of the Orchestra stage a walkout! Great to see people with the courage of their convictions!

Löfvens hatecrime mod det svenske folk: Demokratiet aflyst i farcen Sverigestan

På en gemensam pressträff på lördagsmorgonen meddelade regeringen och alliansen att extra valet i mars nästa år inte blir av då man bekräftar att Sverigedemokraterna är landets enda oppositionsparti och man gjort en blocköverskridande överenskommelse för att säkerställa att en minoritetsregering kan regera. Samtidigt lämnar SD in en misstroendeförklaring mot Löfven.

Mere på Avpixlat

Hvorfor 2022?

Åh, de stakkels uskyldige forfulgte muslimer …

Jeg brækker mig snart af deres frækhed

Tænk engang, en muslimsk kvinde blev undersøgt i Københavns lufthavn af en mand, påstår hun.

Stod det til mig, skulle kællingen have at vide at næste gang hun besøgte Kastrup,
kunne kun forvente en rigtig inspektion ! (kan I høre gummihansken snappe 🙂 )

Hvordan kan det være at intervieweren med mikrofonen stod klar, lige da hun kun ud efter sin “frygtelige” oplevelse ?

Kunne man tænke sig at det planlagt ?

Måske skulle de muslimske “menneskerettighedsorgnisationer” koncentrere sig om at gribe ind over for sådanne
behandlinger af kvinder:
Taliban beat a woman in Kabul Sep.2001

Men så ville de måske få en omgang tæsk ?

Taget herfra

Her har du FNs “objektive” dommer

FN har en meget lang rekord som et anti-israelsk forum

I Australien kalder man en domstol, der har besluttet sig på forhånd for en “kangaroo” court

Er der nogen, der ikke tror på at det her bliver “Goldstone II” , en ny “kangaroo” court ?

Goldstone har siden fortrudt sin udokumenterede “rapport”.

Det har FN bemærket og denne gang valgt en nyttig idiot, som aldrig fortryder noget.

Vill du føle dig sikker på objektivitet, hvis du havde en “dommer” som ham ?

Vi kan vist være ret sikre på at disse våbendepoter placeret af Hamas på FN “skoler” i Gaza ikke bliver omtalt:

UNRWA fooled

UNRWA new logo

Taget herfra

Det israelske våben, som palæstinensisk-arabiske bøller frygter mere end noget andet

Filed under: Israel, Multi-kulti, Teknologi, TrumfEs, Våben — Tags: — trumfes @ 12:00

Say “hello” to the skunk 🙂

Måske skulle Danmark overveje at købe et par til de sædvanlige BZ/islamiske protester på Nørrebro, som ofte synes at kamme over i bølleoptøjer ….