Hodjanernes Blog

9 december 2013

Ramaskrig i Sverige

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For the Record: System Failure – The Boston Bombing

Well in advance of the deadly Boston Marathon bombings in April, federal law enforcement officials were warned on numerous occasions that radicalization was taking place within the Boston Islamic community.

For The Record Exposes Radicalized Foundation of the Mosque Attended by the Accused Boston Bombers
The remains of a black backpack that the FBI said contained one of the bombs that exploded during the Boston Marathon. (AP)
It was a subject that many law enforcement officials chose to ignore or failed to acknowledge out of fear of being branded anti-Islamic or out of complacency, counterterrorism experts told TheBlaze TV’s “For The Record,” an investigative news magazine show that airs tonight at 8:30 p.m. ET.

The failure to act on evidence that Islamic radicalization was taking place in Boston led to the deaths of three people and more than 265 wounded attendees who were caught in the path of flying shrapnel from two homemade pressure cooker bombs, experts said. When the dust settled, the people of Boston and its survivors, many of whom were severely maimed, questioned why federal and local law enforcement missed so many warning signs.

On tonight’s show, “For The Record — System Failure: The Boston Bombing,” TheBlaze network exposes the radicalized foundation of the Islamic Society of Boston, where the Tsarnaev brothers attended mosque services.

Muslimer slagter kristne ‘som kyllinger’ i Den Central Afrikanske Republik

Filed under: Afrika, Demografi, Inklusion, Islam, Islamisering, Jihad, Kristne, Mangfoldighed, Multi-kulti, Muslim — Tags: — Hodja @ 12:12

Tyskland: Et stort antal kristne statuer og symboler ødelagt

Filed under: Enkeltstående tilfælde, EU, Europa, Hate-crime, Kirke, Kristne, Tyskland — Tags: , — Hodja @ 12:07

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