Hodjanernes Blog

1 oktober 2008

Hvad med den danske?

The Dutch embassy in London has sponsored an Islamic festival.

Other countries including the US also did so, Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen says in a letter to parliament.

The Party for Freedom (PVV) wanted to know whether it was true that the Dutch embassy in London sponsored the UK Ramadan festival. The minister acknowledges that indeed 15,000 euros has been donated to the festival from the Public Diplomacy Projects budget.

Verhagen has no objection to the subsidy. He rejects a PVV call to ensure that such subsidies never occur any more in future. “The request for co-financing of the festival was assessed and handled in line with the applicable criteria and procedures.”

As well as Egypt, Algeria and Syria, the festival is also supported by the London-based embassies of Norway and the US, according to Verhagen. The UK parliament (Lower House) and cultural institutes such as the Barbican and the Victoria & Albert Museum are also participating, the minister writes.

NIS News

Har araberne ikke selv penge nok? Hvad bliver det næste islamiske foretagende, Vesten skal finansiere? Vil man også sponsorere jødiske, buddhistiske og hinduistiske festivaler?

2 kommentarer »

  1. Det er vanvid.
    Araberne er ved at kvæles i penge, og så vil Vesten tilmed holde liv i Palæstinenserne, der intet kan og intet vil, og som er fremtrængende arabere.
    Vi burde plante vore skosåler i rumpetten på alle vore idiotiske politikere, de er intet værd.



    Kommentar af falkeøje — 1 oktober 2008 @ 13:57

  2. Mon ikke de danske ambassader stadig betaler af på hjemrejsebilletterne for de mange ‘flygtninge’ fra Libanon.


    Kommentar af Fidibus — 3 oktober 2008 @ 15:29

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