Hodjanernes Blog

25 september 2017

Frauke Petry deserterer fra AfD’s Forbundsdagsgruppe

Filed under: AfD, Højrefløjen, Politik, Tyskland — Hodja @ 20:50

Og Forbundsdagen kupper Alexander Gauland.

24 september 2017

Venstrefascistisk Sturmabteilung (S.A. 2.0) angriber AfD’s valgfest i Berlin

En helt anden politik.

Filed under: Bill Whittle, Frihed, Politik, Politisk filosofi — husmanden @ 21:59

Bill Whittle fortæller os i soleklare vendinger, hvilken politik vi har brug for.

og vigtigst af alt, hvorledes vi får den.  Vi ser det jo herhjemme – det er stort set ligegyldigt hvilken farve regeringen har – politiken er den samme.  Det, der er brug for, er en helt anden politik ført af en helt anden slags politikere.  Her kunne Trump være det første eksempel på, hvad der er brug for.  En politik som opfylder folkets ønsker – og ikke den politikerne har bildt folk ind, de vil have.

For hvad er det, vi ønsker?  Vi ønsker økonomisk stabilitet, tryghed for vore familier og en god fremtid for vore børn.  Vi ønsker at få lov til at beholde, hvad vi tjener, så vi har penge til den tilværelse vi selv planlægger.  Det skal være enkelt.  Vi ønsker ganske enkelt frihed til folket – ikke penge som politikerne har stjålet fra vore naboer og os selv.  Vi ønsker et liv med mindst mulig politik og færrest tænkeligt politikere.

21 september 2017

Berufsverbot igen i Sverige

Får sparken som lärare – angiven av sina elever.

Jan Sjunnesson, tidigare chefredaktör för SD-tidningen Samtiden, har fått sparken som lärarvikarie sedan hans elever angivit honom för skolan.

Nu har bemanningsföretaget som förmedlade vikariatet sagt att de inte kan ha kvar mig, säger han via sin Facebook.

Sjunnessons elever hade googlat fram vad Expo, Expressen, Aftonbladet och andra hade skrivit om honom och sedan angivit honom för skolan.

Mere her.

19 september 2017

Det politisk korrekte Berkeley “universitet” gøre alt for at genere konservative

Se denne video, hvor Milo gør rede for de mange tricks, som benyttes

For Berkeley kan ikke nægte konservative at holde foredrag, men kan stille så mange bureaukratiske forhindringer i vejen som muligt :

Jeg synes at Milo skulle have brugt de 65000 $ på en retsag mod Berkeley og forlange en kæmpe erstatning

Taget fra Vlad

13 september 2017

Steve Bannon i 60 minutes

Steve Bannon Full Speech “60 Minutes” interview with Charlie Rose.

Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist for the White House and chairman of President Trump’s campaign, sat down with Charlie Rose of CBS News’s “60 Minutes” for his first-ever television interview, which was long and candid. Since he left the White House in August, Bannon has resumed running the right-wing news site, Breitbart News. During his interview he shared his opinions on the firing of James Comey, working with the Republicacn establishment, the “Access Hollywood” tape, and Hillary Clinton, among other topics.

12 september 2017

Googles censur mod højreorienterede medier er reel

A new research paper from Leo Goldstein claims to have quantified Google’s bias against leading conservative sites—including PJ Media—in search ranking, especially (but not exclusively) in the area of climate change.

“Google Search is found to be biased in favor of left/liberal domains and against conservative domains with a confidence of 95%,” Goldstein found. “Further, certain hard-Left domains have such a high [percentage of domain traffic, referred by Google Search, net of brand searches] that their standing raises suspicions that they have been hand-picked for prominent placement,” he says, adding that “certain respected conservative domains are blacklisted.”
In an email to PJ Media Goldstein warned that a number of conservatives sites, including PJM, could be the victims of Google bias.
Mere her.

6 september 2017

Britisk politi fortsætter med at chikanere Tommy Robinson

3 september 2017

Apple støtter 2 had-grupper

On Wednesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that his organization would give $2 million to two “anti-hate” groups, one of which routinely brands Christians and conservatives as “hate groups” on par with the Ku Klux Klan.

This hate-mongering organization inspired a terrorist attack in Washington, D.C., in 2012, attacked Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) multiple times, and was “liked” by Scalise’s shooter, James Hodgkinson.

Even so, Apple is teaming up with this organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), in the name of fighting “hate.”

To combat hate, Cook announced that Apple would donate $2 million to the SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League. Apple is also encouraging employees to contribute as well and offering to match their payments by two to one through September 30. As if that weren’t enough, the company is also setting up a system in iTunes software to let consumers directly donate to the SPLC.

Mere her

31 august 2017

Charlie Hebdo

Filed under: Bill Whittle, Charlie Hebdo, Politik — husmanden @ 11:53

har druknet al forstand og anstændighed.

Galskaben er total, og Bill Whittle giver de selvglade franskmænd, hvad de fortjener.



YouTube har nu börjat censurera Motgift, och vi kan inte längre sända live här.

Se detta innan det är för sent! Censuren slår till!

Bild Zeitung: “Vi bekæmper AfD!”

27 august 2017

Videologbog fra C-Star og Defend Europe

Da ich an Bord keine langen Videos hochladen konnte und da es auch vor der Küste nur bedingt geht, kommen meine Videotagebücher von der Mission leider erst im Nachhinein.

Sie sollen allen Unterstützern einen möglichst umfassenden Einblick in den “Mythos” Defend Europe geben, der zeigt, wie sehr die Medien verdreht & gelogen und die NGOs sabotiert und betrogen haben.
Sie konnten uns bisher dennoch nicht aufhalten!

23 august 2017

Robert Spencer hos Tucker Carson om venstrefascisternes krig mod ytringsfriheden

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox to discuss Jihad Watch’s banning from PayPal, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spurious “hate group” listing, and the Left’s war against the freedom of speech.

Nyt fra Defend Europe – C-Star

They want to kill the Rebel

It’s now or never.

Ezra shows you his plan to fight back.

20 august 2017

Hvem er de virkelige racister?

19 august 2017

DEFEND EUROPE: Pressekonferenz zum Ausgang der Mission

Store problemer på The Rebel – medarbejdere fyres eller går deres vej

On Tuesday, Barbara Kay, a regular contributor (and a National Post columnist) announced she would no longer appear on the site.

John Robson, another Post columnist cum Rebel contributor, did the same. Brian Lilley, who co-founded the site, said he quit entirely on Monday. (Levant says he fired Lilley last year.) On Twitter, Lisa Raitt, now the deputy leader of the Conservative Party, praised Lilley’s decision, though she stopped short of condemning The Rebel.

As the week went on, the trouble continued. On Thursday, Caolan Robertson, until two weeks ago, one of the site’s U.K. correspondents, posted a video online titled “Why I left The Rebel.” In it, he played recordings of what he said was Levant offering him “hush money” to stay quiet about details of The Rebel’s business model. Robertson also slammed The Rebel’s petitions and campaigns. “The Rebel takes its money from ordinary hardworking people,” he said. “But, it also quietly takes a lot of money from less ordinary, more wealthy people.”

Levant responded with his own post claiming Robertson and another man had blackmailed him.

But for The Rebel, the trouble wasn’t over. On Thursday night, after it came out that she had appeared on a Daily Stormer podcast, Levant fired Faith Goldy. News broke earlier that day that Gavin McInnes was also leaving the site. Not even the Rebel’s cruise was safe. The company hosting the November event, where fans would have mingled with Goldy, Levant and others on a Caribbean cruise liner, cancelled the reservation.

Lang artikel her

18 august 2017

Steve Bannon er fyret

Filed under: Donald Trump, Højrefløjen, Politik, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 23:25
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