Hodjanernes Blog

1 september 2017

Sun Tzu: Kend din fjende – men ikke i repræsentanternes Hus

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer discusses the House of Representatives’ vote against a measure that would require military officials to study the motivating ideology behind the jihad threat.

20 juli 2017

Minneapolis: Australsk kvinde myrdet af somalisk politimand

1 juli 2017


New data from Sweden is a dire warning to women against voting for more refugees from Muslim countries.

A 10News Update

New data from Sweden shows how immigration and refugees from Islamic countries puts especially women in danger.

92 percent of all severe rapes (violent rapes) are committed by migrants and refugees. 100 percent of all attack rapes (where victim and attacker had no previous contact) are committed by that same group. In other words, thousands of Swedish women would not have been raped and thereby traumatized for life, had it not been for the influx from Islamic countries.

The top-10 list over rapists’ national back ground shows only one non-Islamic country (Chile). Most rapists have Iraqi back ground, followed by refugees and migrants from Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea, Syria, Gambia, Iran, Palestine, Chile and Kosovo.

Hele artiklen: https://www.10news.one/dangerous-refugees-afghans-79-times-more-likely-to-rape/

28 juni 2017

ANTIFA’er protesterer mod Trumps indrejseforbud – de er ikke de skarpeste knive i skuffen

26 juni 2017

Klar sejr for Trump: Højesteret godkender enstemmigt indrejseforbud

Trump Praises Supreme Court Decision on Travel Ban: ‘Clear Victory’

President Donald Trump praised the Supreme Court’s decision on Monday to review the legality of his temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries and all refugees, and to allow it to be partly implemented in the meantime.

“Today’s unanimous Supreme Court decision is a clear victory for our national security,” Trump said in a statement released by the White House, adding: “Today’s ruling allows me to use an important tool for protecting our Nation’s homeland.”

Kilde: Ben Carson News Mail

Daily Wire:

More specifically, the Court consolidated the various cases on the travel ban for hearing in October. Meanwhile, the court relieved the temporary injunctions from the lower courts regarding people attempting to enter the country who “lack any bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States.” Other injunctions, however, were left in place by the Court. Effectively, this means that the Court tossed the cases brought by universities attempting to claim that foreign nationals who might want to enter the United States must be allowed to do so, but left in place specific injunctions against preventing importation of relatives of American citizens from abroad.

9 maj 2017

Menneskerettighedsadvokat indrømmer: Hvis Hillary havde indført indrejseforbuddet kunne det være blevet gennemført

ACLU Lawyer Omar Jadwat, arguing against President Trump’s travel ban before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday, admitted that the same exact travel ban “could be” constitutional if it were enacted by Hillary Clinton.

Med andre ord: Han indrømmer åbent, at det juridiske system er korrupt.

26 april 2017

Hemmelig aftale med Somalia

Danmark har lavet en hemmelig hjemsendelsesaftale med Somalia om kun at sende 12 somaliere hjem om året.

Det skriver Politiken, der har fået kendskab til fortrolige oplysninger fra Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet. Oplysningerne blev i marts leveret til Folketinget på et lukket møde.

Mere på JP

Jeg har søgt lidt på, hvor mange med somalisk baggrund, der er i Danmark, det er ikke nemt for tallet har ligget på omkring 17.000 de sidste 15 år, hvilket forekommer mærkeligt.

Nå men hvis tallet er rigtigt, kan vi glæde os over, at vi om 1.416 år kan sende de sidste somaliere hjem.

23 april 2017

USA’s Justitsministerium tager statsborgerskabet fra al-Qaeda terrorist

On April 19, Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia entered an order that revoked the naturalized U.S. citizenship of a confessed al-Qaeda operative Khaled Abu al-Dahab.

Restrained and enjoined him from claiming any rights, privileges, or advantages of U.S. citizenship and ordered him to immediately surrender and deliver his Certificate of Naturalization and any other indicia of U.S. citizenship to federal authorities, the Justice Department announced.

Mere her

Ilhan Omar, the 34-year-old community organizer who came to America as a refugee from Somalia, was touted by Democrats as a model success story.

She was one of only two members of the Minnesota State House to vote against a bill that would allow life insurance companies to deny payouts to the beneficiaries of terrorists who die in violent attacks on Americans.

17 marts 2017

Ihh, hvor eer det “synd” for den stakkels somalier

højesteret smider ham ud af Danmark – og han har endda KUN begået 4 røverier

Vi kan vel forvente en klage fra FNs “menneskerettighedskommission”

Den forbryder burde være kylet ud af Danmark første gang han begik røveri

Godt at Højesteret – omsider – finder det røde kort frem

Forhåbenligt lærer byret og landsret at der ER grænser for dansk dumhed

Taget herfra, hvor du kan læse mere

8 marts 2017

Jeff Sessions bekræfter årsagen til Trumps indrejseforbud

1 marts 2017

Somalisk hadprædikant har turneret rundt i Danmark i de somaliske moskeer

Somali hate preacher on European tour: “Israel steals little girls and sells them as sex slaves”

In a somewhat tiresome case of projection, a video has emerged of the Somali-born, Saudi-educated Canadian Muslim preacher sheikh Said Rageah, once again revealing his true colours:

“Sex slaves. What do they do? They steal little girls. And you know who’s the number one in the world who does that? The number one country in the world? Israel. They are number 1 in sex slavery. Which means, they’re gonna steal little girls, and they’re gonna sell them.”

The most honourable sheikh has been touring through Europe to further enlighten European Muslim minds, from 10 February onwards. He has been invited to speak on March 3 and 4 in Gothenburg, Sweden, where he was barred from speaking last year. Below is an overview of the (known) locations that he visited last month, and the parties you missed out on:


February 14: Viborg, Denmark

February 16: Kolding, Denmark

February 19: Frankfurt, Germany

February 21: Wiesbaden, Germany

February 22 – February 24: Belgium, towns yet unspecified.

February 24: Dar al Hijra mosque, 13:00, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

February 24: Diyanet mosque, 18:00, Tilburg, The Netherlands

February 25: Amsterdam, unconfirmed, but most likely at Quba mosque, The Netherlands

February 26: Al Fourqaan, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

February 26: Tilburg, The Netherlands

February 27: Zwaag, city of Hoorn, The Netherlands

De somaliske moskeer er arnesteder for ekstremisme over hele landet.

Mere på Gatestone

27 februar 2017

Tommy Robinson om skægbørn

20 februar 2017

Hamburg: 100 afrikanere omringer og truer politi der forsøger at anholde somalier

Hamburg Police said officers were surrounded and reportedly threatened by a crowd of 80 to 100 African men.

Chaos broke out as police arrested an 18-year-old Somalian in St Georg on Wednesday.

The teenager was accused of threatening two workers at a sports betting shop in the city.

Mere her

12 februar 2017

Speakeren for det britiske Underhus John Bercow kan stå overfor et mistillidsvotum

The Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow is set to face a Motion of NO CONFIDENCE as a result of his recent public comments about Donald Trump.


According to a report in The Express, the motion has been started by James Duddridge who is the Conservative MP for Rochford and Southend East, and it comes after a growing number of people have been expressing their anger at the fact that Bercow is opposed to a speech in Parliament by a man who is the democratically elected leader of the United States of America.

More importantly for some, the Speaker of the House of Commons is supposed to remain impartial at all times when in position, and Bercow’s recent inflammatory statements have been anything but impartial!

He said the Speaker’s comments were just the latest in which he ignored his position’s expectation of political neutrality.

Mere her

9 februar 2017

Tommy Robinson nu bidragyder på Rebel

Tommy Robinson: “A rant about Trump’s ‘Muslim ban'”

2 februar 2017

The Rape Of Sweden | Ingrid Carlqvist and Stefan Molyneux

Rigspolitiet mørklægger sag om somaliske tvangsudsendelser

Rigspolitiet, der har ansvaret for at sende afviste asylansøgere ud af landet, har mørklagt sagen.

Myndighederne vil ikke engang oplyse, om det er praktisk muligt at sende afviste asylansøgere til Somalia, hvis de nægter at samarbejde.

Mere på metroXpress

For et par dage siden havde DR-P1 Morgen en ‘ekspert’ fra DIIS i studiet angående hjemsendelse af somaliere. Han måtte nødtvungent indrømme, at der findes flere sikre områder i Somalia, men – tilføjede han:

“Somalia har travlt med at modtage flygtninge fra Yemen!”

Citeret efter hukommelsen. Interviewet stoppede brat derefter.

31 januar 2017

Hykleriet er grænseløst

USA har åbenbart haft begrænsninger på muslimers indrejse siden februar 2016!

Så det er altså indført af mediernes og venstrefløjens darling Hussein Obama.


Hussein Obama bombede 5 af de 7 lande, som Trump lægger restriktioner på – medierne var ligeglade.


29 januar 2017

Stefan Molyneux om Donald Trumps såkaldte af løgnepressens udråbte’muslim forbud’

President Donald Trump’s recent immigration related executive orders temporarily ban visitors from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan from entering the United States without “extreme vetting” and stop the intake refugees from these countries for at least 30 days.

Is this a “Muslim Ban” as is being reported – or is the mainstream media lying to you once again?

2 december 2016

En stjerne er født — Tucker Carlson udstiller sort racistisk aggression på sit ny show

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