Hodjanernes Blog

13 september 2015

Mick Hume of ‘spiked’ on Trigger Warnings and Free Speech in the UK

Filed under: Censur, EU, Jura, Politisk korrekte, UK, Ytringsfrihed — Hodja @ 23:59

Mick Hume, British journalist and editor-at-large of spiked magazine discusses his book, Trigger Warning: Is the Fear of Being Offensive Killing Free Speech?, with FIRE President and CEO Greg Lukianoff in London.

“[The book] is not only a reflection on the new problems having to do with free speech in Anglo-American society, but it’s a call to arms,” Hume tells Greg.

“It’s really saying that the danger today is not just that we might lose the new free speech wars, but that we’re going to not even fight them—that we’re surrendering without a struggle.”

Hume explores cases of Europeans being tossed in jail for expressing unpopular viewpoints, the growing tendency in the U.K. to ban offensive speakers altogether, and the “nonsense” idea “that if you can silence somebody, that’s the same as beating them [politically].”

Hume urges would-be censors to consider both the philosophical case for free speech and historical precedent, both of which indicate that societal change happens only with robust speech protections.

“Every liberation struggle that ever succeeded always had the demand for free speech at its heart,” Hume said. “Now you have a movement where activists seem to think that what people in identity groups need is protection from speech, protection from speech because they’re so vulnerable, and I think that’s a very dangerous idea.”

Anti-invasions marcher i flere lande

Filed under: EU, EURABIA, Immigration — Hodja @ 22:44



Tyskland indfører grænsekontrol mod Østrig

Filed under: Asyl, Østrig, Immigration, Islamisering, Schengen, Tyskland — Tags: — Hodja @ 22:07

Det er den tyske regerings egen skyld, at titusindvis af flygtninge og migranter i disse dage strømmer ind i landet.

Derfor er det dybt hyklerisk, at regeringen med kansler Angela Merkel i spidsen nu har valgt midlertidigt at genindføre grænsekontrollen til Østrig, hvor mange af dem kommer fra.

Det er meldingen fra Dansk Folkepartis udlændingeordfører, Martin Henriksen, der ikke giver meget for kanslerens ageren i flygtningekrisen.

12. september 1683: Tyrkerne lider nederlag foran Wiens mure

Filed under: Østrig, Historie, Islam, Jihad — Tags: — Hodja @ 21:54

Krisemøde i svenske medier på baggrund af SD’s fremmarch

Filed under: Journalister, Medier DR m.fl., Sverige — Hodja @ 21:29

Hvad er en flygtning? FN’s definition passer ikke på nutidens invasorer.

Filed under: FN, Immigration — Tags: — Hodja @ 20:57

Kun Fox News reporter stiller kritiske spørgsmål til Hillary Clinton

Filed under: Journalister, Løgnepresse, TrumfEs — Tags: , , — trumfes @ 12:32

Og Hillary kan ikke lide kritiske spørgsmål og går på et tidspunkt under Fox News spørgsmål!

Det er pinligt at se at MSM bare holder mikrofon for Hillary
og det er pinligt at se en præsidentkandidat,
der ikke vil give et klart svar på det simple spørgsmål : “Did you wipe the server” ?
(= slettede du indholdet på din server ?)

Pinligt, men absolut forventeligt !


Ægypten bygger 14 km lang voldgrav mod Hamas/ Gaza

Det var da underligt … det har jeg da ikke hørt noget om i MSM …

Der hører man jo kun om den israelske “apartheid”-mur, der ikke er “apartheid” og kun 10% mur, resten er et hegn.

Voldgraven skal fyldes med vand fra middelhavet.
Smart lavet af Ægypten, der er træt af tunneler og terror fra Hamas.

Det er altså ikke kun Israel, der er træt af HAMAS terror …

Taget fra Vlad

Du kan også læse denne artikel fra synopsisolsen

Mere om den nye marxist, som lige er blevet valgt til leder af Labour i UK

Hodja har allerede bragt et indlæg om Jeremy Corbyn. Stalin ville have været stolt af ham

Se det her, hvis du ikke allerede har gjort det

Her er en punkt-oversigt (på engelsk) over hvad han står for:

“We have a Labour leader who:

1. Said that the 7/7 attacks were the result of UK creating insecurity around the world
2. Presented a show on Press TV, Iran’s propaganda channel
3. Praised and appeared on Russia Today, Putin’s propaganda channel
4. Is National Chair of “Stop the War”
5. Is a Patron of the “Palestine Solidarity Campaign” which fights for a boycott of Israel.
6. Says that Hamas and Hezbollah are dedicated to the good of the Palestinian people and to social and political justice.
7. Says that NATO is the aggressor in Eastern Europe and that Russia has a legitimate claim over Ukraine
8. Jumped to the defence of antisemites, Raed Salah who indulged in medieval blood libel and Steven Sizer who said that Israel was behind 9/11
9. Is not offended by the suggestion that the execution of Bin Laden and the sentencing of Eichmann are both illegitimate and illegal
10. Does not argue with somebody who suggests that Bin Laden is not dead
11. Does not say anything when a 911 truther who he’s sharing a platform with, defends Palestinian suicide bombing
12. Is pictured, all smiles, with Hugo Chavez
13. Campaigned against Britain taking military action against Assad
14. Campaigned against the RAF giving air support to those defending Kobane
15. Thinks that ISIS is bad in Syria in the same way as the US is bad in Iraq
16. Continued to support “Deir Yassin Remembered” even when it was well known that it was run by a Holocaust Denier
17. Hosted and sat next to on a platform Dyab Abou Jahjan, who believes that the killing of each British soldier is a victory
18. Agreed to speak alongside Carlos Latuff, 2nd prize winner in Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial cartoon competition
19. Agreed to speak alongside Azzam Tamimi, who said that he’d like to have been a suicide bomber against Israel
20. Replies to all these points by saying that they are Tory smears”


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