Hodjanernes Blog

8 februar 2009

Faldt i søvn i pirattaxa efter bytur

Filed under: Danmark, Demografi, Immigration, Kriminalitet, Labaner — Tags: , , — Hodja @ 23:44

Mand brækkede knogler i ansigtet efter overfald af to afrikanske mænd, der tilbød at køre ham hjem i pirathyrevogn.

FYI: Århus.

Gerningsbilen var muligvis en sølvfarvet eller grå Toyota Corolla med to døre eller lignende.

Tag aldrig et muslimsk barn i pleje.

Filed under: Blogs Foreign English, Imamer, Immigration, Islam, Kristne, Loonies, Shariah, UK — Skjoldungen @ 21:05

Hvis barnet nemlig skulle blive fristet af civilisationen og derfor forlade islam, ja så vanker der… hitleruk

conversionTelegraph: A local council removed the woman from their register for failing to “respect and preserve” the teenager’s faith, even though the girl made her own decision to change religion when she was 16.

The carer, a churchgoer in her 50s who has fostered more than 80 children, is now planning legal action against the council, amid complaints from religious groups that Christians are increasingly becoming victims of discrimination. She claims that she did not pressurise the girl, who was put in care after being assaulted by a family member, to convert, and actually tried to discourage her initial interest in Christianity. “We had a multicultural household and I had no problems helping the young person maintain her faith of birth,” the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told the Mail on Sunday. “I have always prided myself on being very professional in what I do.” – She added: “I offered her alternatives. I offered to find her places to practise her own religion. I offered to take her to friends or family. But she said to me from the word go: ‘I am interested and I want to come [to church]’.”

The carer claims that social services from the counvil, which also cannot be named for legal reason, were aware that the girl was attending a Christian church, but her foster manager became “incandescent with rage” when she was baptised. Council officials advised the teenager to reconsider her decision, and in November struck the carer off their register, citing a breakdown of trust. The girl, who is now 17 and back with her family who are thought to be unaware of her conversion, is supporting the woman’s legal action, which is being funded by the Christian Institute. Mike Judge of the institute said: “I cannot imagine that an atheist foster carer would be struck off if a Christian child in her care stopped believing in God. – “This is the sort of double standard that Christians are facing in Britain.” – The council in the north of England declined to comment on “sensitive issues surrounding a child in care”.

Kiss my Glock

Filed under: Musik, USA/Canada, Våben — Tags: — Hodja @ 20:04

Husk at se slutningen 😀



I aften kl. 19 undgik omhyggeligt at nævne etniciteten på indvandrerbanden, der overfaldt den unge kvinde på Hovedbanegården i København.

Indvandrerne blev konsekvent omtalt som ‘unge piger og drenge’, ‘bande’ og ‘pigebande’.

Værten nævnte til sidst i indslaget, at kvinden har bedt om anonymitet, af angst for at banden skal finde frem til hende. Det har TV2 så allernådigst respekteret.

Indvandrerbanden giver TV2 uopfordret ‘anonymitet’.

Og vi har ikke nævnt, hvad der ville være overskrifterne, hvis en bande etniske danskere havde overfaldet en indvandrer.

Gregorius Nekschot på norsk TV

Generalsekretær i Norsk Presseforbund, Per Edgar Kokkvold, liker ikke det som har skjedd i Nederland.

Det som skjer i Nederland er jo et eksempel på hva som kan skje her i Norge, sier Kokkvold til TV 2.


Filed under: Islam — Hodja @ 15:16

En 23-årig svensk mand er frikendt for at have kørt spirituskørsel, fordi han forklarede politiet, at Alfons Åbergs usynlige ven kørte bilen.

Svensk politi – perler!

HamaSS ombygger hospitaler til torturkamre

Hamas back to old ways:

According to Palestinian Ministry of Health in West Bank, Hamas expels medical staff from Gaza hospitals, takes control of entire wards in order to use them for torture, imprisonment.

Bemærk: Ifølge palæstinensiske kilder!

Hvor længe skal vi støtte barbarerne Per Stig?????

Sådan regulerer man kriminalstatistikken

Tre gymnasiepiger blev overfaldet på Hovedbanegården af en gadebande.

Politiet greb fire gerningsmænd på fersk gerning, men lod dem gå, selv om pigerne ville anmelde dem for grov vold. Senere afviste Station City at modtage pigernes anmeldelse.

Se og hør Malenes historie om politisvigt her.

Nå ja hvad så? Det var jo bare et enkeltstående tilfælde.

Officiel norsk anti-semitisme

A Norwegian diplomat based in Saudi Arabia has sent out e-mails from her Foreign Ministry e-mail account equating Israel’s offensive against Hamas in Gaza with the systematic mass murder of six million Jews by the Nazis.

The e-mail, sent out by Trine Lilleng, a first secretary at the Norwegian Embassy in Riyadh, includes a juxtaposition of black-and-white pictures from the Holocaust with color images of Operation Cast Lead.

Kan ikke se om nogen har haft den – men det bør ikke gå upåagtet hen.

Enkeltstående begivenheder

Filed under: Demografi, Europa, Holland, Immigration — Tags: , , , — Hodja @ 14:34

God nok 30 dagligt – men alligevel – enkeltstående.

Every day, an average of 30 emergency or security workers are beaten up or threatened in the Netherlands.


Kommer snart til dig!

Truet med bøde på 20.000 kr for at flage med Georgskorset

Filed under: Dhimmi, Jura, Politisk korrekte, UK — Tags: — Hodja @ 13:39

A PROUD dad was threatened with a £2,500 fine by council workers for flying the St George’s Cross to welcome home his soldier sons – because officials claimed the flag pole was at the wrong angle.


Nyere forskning i Sovjetunionens arkiver

Interview på Front Page Magazine med Olga Velikanova,

an assistant professor at the University of North Texas, where she teaches Soviet history.

Dr. Velikanova was among the first scholars to work with declassified Communist Party and secret police archives. Her research about everyday Stalinism, the cult of Lenin and Russian popular opinion has been broadcast by the BBC, Finnish and Russian radio and TV as well as the History Channel in Canada.

She is the author of “Making of an Idol: On Uses of Lenin,” “The Public Perception of the Cult of Lenin Based on the Archival Materials” and “The Myth of the Besieged Fortress. Soviet Mass Perception in the 1920s-1930s.”

Et enkelt uddrag:

FP: What are the recent developments in terms of the discoveries in declassified Soviet documents, the major archival findings since 1991?

Velikanova: Studies that focused on mass terror showed such magnitude of tragedy that even now we can’t give an exact total numbers of victims. But now they are more realistic than in Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s or Robert Conquest’s books.

681,692 people were executed in 1937-38; 3,778,234 were sentenced for counter-revolutionary activities from 1930 to 1953.

We learned from the archival sources that mass repressions started in the 1920s and Lenin personally SIGNED cruel orders to kill innocent hostages and priests.

The leading Russian archivist and scholar Oleg Khlevniuk summarized recently that up to 50 million people suffered from Stalinist politics and its consequences.

 This total estimate embraces another number that became re-examined: the cost of World War II for Russia, 26.6 million people.

Studies in famines brought documented numbers of losses: 1921- 6 million, 1932-33 – 4-5 million in Ukraine and 1 million in Kazakhstan, 1947 – about 2 million.

Læg mærke til bemærkningen om Lenin. Apologeter har hidtil gjort alt, hvad de kunne for at friholde Lenin og skyde al skyld for sovjetdiktaturet på Stalin.

Danmark – ytringsfrihedens land

Dagens kronikører er bekymrede over den militante islamismes fremmarch.

Men en række eksperter forsøger at lulle os ind i passivitet, skriver de. I Danmark har terror endnu ikke kostet menneskeliv, men vi ved alle, at islamister har stået bag terrorangreb i mange lande.

Af: Mrutyuanjai Mishra Europæisk Master i Menneskerettigheder og Demokratisering

Er indvandring nødvendig?

Filed under: Danmark, Demografi, Immigration, Penge, Politik — Tags: , , — Hodja @ 09:00

Jeg vil i hvert fald tillade mig at sætte et stort, fedt spørgsmålstegn ved, at Danmark skal have flere indvandrere i en tid med finanskrise, stigende ledighed og mega-integrationsproblemer, som koster statskassen milliarder,

skriver Lone Nørgaard.